

  • B.A. in Law, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, 2002
  • M.A. in Spanish, Ohio University, 2010
  • M.A. in Latin American Studies, Ohio University, 2010
  • Doctoral Level Certificate in Cultural Studies, University of Pittsburgh, 2014
  • Ph.D. in Hispanic Literatures, University of Pittsburgh, 2016
Areas of Interest

Medina’s research specialties include 20th and 21st Century Latin American Literature, Latin American Cultural Studies, Hispanic Film Studies, Metafictional Novel, Play and Game Theory and Postcolonial Literature.

Currently he is working on a book manuscript entitled Framed-Narrative in the Global Literary Marketplace: On Self-Referentiality and Game Theory in Mario Bellatin, Roberto Bolaño and Julio Cortázar which addresses the pervasive industrial reflexivity within contemporary cultural productions by presenting how new modes in the organization of self-referentiality and frame narratives engage this situation.


At the University of Pittsburgh, Prof. Medina has taught courses on special topics in literature, film and culture such as “Latin America Today,” “Decoding Cinematic Latin America, “Reading Beyond the Plot: Latin American Short Stories,” “Adaptations in Spanish Filmmaking: The Space between the Novel and the Film,” and “Keywords in Latin America.” His professional experience includes different positions in media productions such as a literary publisher and a former TV producer for the Peruvian Broadcasting Service.

Courses Taught
  • SPAN 101: Beginning Spanish I
  • SPAN 102: Beginning Spanish II
  • SPAN 201: Intermediate Spanish I
  • SPAN 202: Intermediate Spanish II
  • FYSM 101: Reading (Beyond) the Plot
  • SPAN 224: Readings in Latin American Cultures
  • SPAN 31106: Adaptations in the Hispanic Creative Industries
  • SPAN 31107: Politics of the World Literature: On the Question of the Hispanic Cultures
  • “Bellatin y las Políticas de la Literatura: El Valor de la Alteridad en Escritores Duplicados/ Narradores mexicanos en París”. Chasqui: Revista de Literatura. Vol. 50, No. 2, Noviembre 2021, 287-308.
  • “Políticas del Juego: El caso de Autonautas de la Cosmopista de Carol Dunlop y Julio Cortázar”. A Contracorriente: una revista de estudios latinoamericanos. Vol. 21, No. 1, Fall 2023 (Forthcoming)
  • “Bellatin: El Problema de la Locación de la Literatura (Conjeturas sobre la Condición de un Escritor Migrante)”. En Jaimes, Hector, ed. Mario Bellatin y las formas de la escritura. Chapel Hill, NC: Editorial A Contracorriente, 2020.79-99.
  • “2666 y la Representación del Trabajo Intelectual en “La Parte de los Críticos” (Reporte sobre las Políticas del Paratexto),” Revista Iberoamericana, Vol. LXXXIV, Núm. 262, Enero-Marzo 2018, 235-259.
  • “Pedagogía, subalternización y fatum en Los Olvidados (1950) de Luis Buñuel: Ambivalencias entre la diáspora republicana en México y la ‘Época de Oro’ como cine nacional.” A-Contracorriente: A Journal of Social History and Literature in Latin America. Vol.11, No. 2, Winter 2014, pp. 221-256.