
Minor in Middle Eastern & North African StudiesĀ atĀ The College of Wooster

The minor in Middle Eastern & North African Studies allows students add a regional focus to their chosen major. Students in fields such as Global & International Studies, history, political science, archaeology, art history, Classical Studies, and religious studies have benefited from the perspective they gain with courses that give a critical understanding of the region that stretches from Morocco to Iran. Students can choose from a range of courses to gain an interdisciplinary understanding of the region. Students take one course in each of three historical periods (Ancient, Medieval, and Modern) and then choose three other programs that fit their interests.

Language and Off-Campus Study

Middle Egyptian, Ancient Greek and classical Hebrew courses are offered at Wooster, but students can also choose to learn other relevant ancient and modern languages, including Arabic, Aramaic, Farsi, Turkish and Ugaritic. The College of Wooster strongly encourages off-campus study for students in every major, but especially for those who want to immerse themselves in the language and culture of another country. Wooster has partnerships with study-abroad programs in a number of countries and can support students as they choose a semester- or summer-abroad program.

Faculty & Staff

Tracy Cosgriff

Tracy Cosgriff

Associate Professor of Art and Art History, Middle Eastern & North African Studies


Elizabeth Derderian

Beth Derderian

Assistant Professor of Anthropology; Museum Studies


Hamed Goharipour

Hamed Goharipour

Assistant Professor of Urban Studies; Middle Eastern & North African Studies


Sarah Mirza

Sarah Mirza

Associate Professor and Department Chair of Religious Studies; Middle Eastern and North African Studies; South Asian Studies; Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies


Chan Park

Chan Sok Park

Associate Professor of Religious Studies; Classical Studies; Department Chair of Middle Eastern and North African Studies


Wooster W logo on a cream colored background

Santha Schuch

Administrative Coordinator - Africana Studies, Archaeology, East Asian Studies, Middle Eastern & North African Studies, Religious Studies, Sociology and Anthropology, South Asian Studies, Urban Studies, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


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Consists of six courses plus regional off-campus study:

  • One course each in three historical periods: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern
  • Three other courses within the minor


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