Petition Process & Criteria

You can petition GEO for an exception to policy or for special, one-time endorsement of a non-endorsed program. To do so, please complete the following steps:

  1. Meet with the appropriate GEO staff member for your area of study to discuss GEO policies and procedures, the petition process, and the intended study abroad program.
  2. Meet with your academic advisor to discuss how your program choice relates to your major and course of study at Wooster. You should discuss credit transfer with your department chairperson.
  3. Your petition application (found on the GEO list of endorsed programs) will be reviewed by the GEO Faculty Advisory Committee, and their decision is final. Each approval is on a one-time basis and for that particular student. Approval of the petition guarantees transfer of credit to the Wooster transcript (for grades equivalent to a “C” or above) and transfer of financial aid.
  4. Once approved, students must follow the same procedure for study abroad as students on an endorsed program. You must still apply directly to your program after your GEO petition is approved and attend the mandatory pre-departure orientation.
  5. If your petition is not approved, GEO staff will work with you to find an alternative solution. Petitions are reviewed on a rolling basis, so it is to your benefit to apply as early as possible.

Petition Criteria for One-Time Approval of a Non-Endorsed Program

It is recommended that you seriously consider participating on an endorsed program before petitioning for a non-endorsed program. If, however, you find a program that meets your needs better than any endorsed program, the following criteria must be met:

  • The program will enhance your academic experience and meet your academic needs better than any program on the endorsed list.
  • The program’s academic quality must be consistent with that of The College of Wooster, evidenced by course syllabi or descriptions provided by the program.
  • You must be academically prepared for the program; this means meeting prerequisite course requirements or language requirements.
  • A semester program must be at least 14 weeks in duration.
  • The program must be sponsored by an accredited U.S. college or university or meet the host country’s higher education accreditation standards.
  • The program must provide adequate support services to you as a study abroad student.
  • The program must ensure your safety. Programs in locations with a State Department Travel Advisory of Level 3 or above will undergo increased scrutiny.
  • In general, touring or shipboard programs are not recommended. Circumstances where multi-country programs enhance your academic experience in a specific manner will be considered.