Wooster’s Commemorative Trees and Benches program provides the opportunity to give a tree or bench in memory or honor of a loved one while contributing to the beauty of Wooster’s campus.
A gift of $10,000 will make planting a new tree on Wooster’s campus possible, with the remainder of your gift benefiting the College’s Campus Maintenance Fund to ensure the tree’s ongoing care, including fertilizing, mulching, watering, and pruning. Additionally, if the tree needs to be replaced for any reason within 10 years of your gift, a replacement will be planted.
The College will provide you with options for planting sites and tree species based on your preferences and following The College of Wooster’s Facilities Management and Grounds guidelines. We do not place plaques on our trees, but a record will be kept by Facilities Management and Grounds of the location, type, planting date, donor name, and memorial or honoree’s name of your tree.
To make a gift for a campus tree in honor or memory of someone special, or for more information, please contact advancement@wooster.edu.
A gift of $10,000 will purchase a new bench on The College of Wooster’s campus and provide additional support for Wooster’s Campus Maintenance Fund. The College will provide options for new campus bench locations based on the specifications set by The College of Wooster’s Facilities Management and Grounds.
Wooster’s campus benches are built for long-term durability and should remain in excellent condition for many years. If any issues or damage arise within 10 years of your gift, the College will make every effort to contact you. Please note that a replacement may not be possible.
Memorial and tribute benches on The College of Wooster’s campus may include a permanently mounted plaque at no additional cost. Depending on the donor’s preference, the plaque can be placed on either side of the bench and will accommodate approximately 50 characters of text.
To make a gift for a campus bench in honor or memory of someone special, or for more information, please email advancement@wooster.edu.