Update on Power Outage and Campus Services (May 13)
We continue to experience a power outage throughout most of campus and the surrounding neighborhood as a result of a faulty transformer on south Beall Ave. This morning we were in touch with AEP Ohio who has informed us that power is expected to be returned to campus by mid-day.
In the meantime, critical campus services continue as follows:
Access to campus housing and campus office buildings is expected to continue throughout the outage. If you are having issues accessing your residence hall, please contact Campus Safety at x2590.
Campus Dining
Lowry Center is open for a limited continental breakfast. Lunch will be provided at Kittredge Hall beginning at 11:30 a.m., but menus will be changed. All means for the rest of the weekend will be in Kittredge. Knowlton Café and MacLeod’s convenience store will remain closed until power is restored.
Health and Wellness
The Wellness Center remains open for students who need services. Please drop in or call ahead at x2319.
The multipurpose room in Luce Hall has power for any student who needs it.
Work Interruption
Staff with issues completing their work due to the outage should work directly with their supervisors on a plan.
Thank you for your patience as we work through this situation. We look forward to continuing our regularly scheduled Commencement activities which begin this afternoon.
The Emergency Planning Team
Posted in News on May 13, 2022.