Areas of Interest

limnogeology, paleoclimatology, sediment geochemistry, sedimentology & stratigraphy

Courses Taught
  • ESCI 19903: Earth Systems and Global Change
  • ESCI 35000: Studies in Earth Sciences – Earth Systems Evolution

Accepted: Lyon, E., Erhardt, A., Streib, L., Zimmerman, S. and McGlue, M., June Lake carbonate geochemistry reveals high-resolution record of drought in the eastern Sierra Nevada(California, USA) over the late Holocene. Quaternary Research.

 Hinkle, M.A.G., Ziegler, B., Culbertson, H., Goldmann, C.,Croy, M.E., Willis, N., Ling, E., Reinhart, B., Lyon, E. Manganeseexposure from spring and well waters in the Shenandoah Valley:Interplay of aquifer lithology, soil composition, and redox conditions. For Environmental Geochemistry & Health v. 46, n.203. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10653-024-01987-4

2021: Streib, L., Stone, J., Lyon, E., Ha, H., Yeager, K.,
Zimmerman, S., and McGlue, M. “Anthropogenic climate change has altered lake state in the Sierra Nevada (California, USA)”,Global Change Biology. v. 27: 6059-6070.

Lyon, E., McGlue, M., Erhardt, A. Kim, S., Stone, J., and Zimmerman, S. Late Holocene hydroclimate changes in the eastern Sierra Nevada revealed by a 4600-year paleoproduction record from June Lake, CA, Quaternary Science Reviews 242.

  Lyon, E., McGlue, M., Kim, S., Woolery, E. and Zimmerman,
S. Sublacustrine geomorphology and modern sedimentation in a glacial scour basin, June Lake, eastern Sierra Nevada, USA.
Journal of Sedimentary Research 89: 919-934.

 Lyon, E., Freeman, R., Bathon, J., Fryar, A., McGlue, M.,
Erhardt, A., Rosen, A., Sampson, S., Nelson, A., and Parsons, J. Attitudinal impediments to geology major recruitment among ninth graders at a STEM high school. Journal of Geoscience Education 68: 237-253.

 Wiles, G., Lawson, D., Lyon, E., Wiesenberg, N. and
D’Arrigo, R.D. Tree-ring dates on two pre-Little Ice Age advancesin Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska, USA. Quaternary Research 76: 190-195.

Professional Affiliations
Geological Society of America