- L.L.B., Sophia
- M.P.P., Duke
- L.L.M., Georgetown Law Center
- Certificate, Inter-University Program (IUP) for Chinese Language Studies (administered by UC-Berkeley) Tsinghua University, China
- Ph.D., California-San Diego
Professor Matsuzawa research interests include: Social Movements, Environmental Sociology, Development, Law, Transnational and Global Sociology, and East Asian Societies (China and Japan). Her primary research area is environmental activism in East Asia. Her recent works have appeared in Sociology of Development, ASIA Network Exchange, and Mobilization. She teaches Introduction to Sociology, Environmental Sociology, Sociology of Law, Social Movements, and Globalization and Contemporary China.
- SOCI 100: Introduction to Sociology
- SOCI 203: Environmental Sociology
- SOCI 205: Sociology of Law
- SOCI 211: Social Movements
- SOCI 219: Globalization and Contemporary Chinese Society
- “Confronting Japan’s Anti-Asian Racism: The Transformation of the Beheiren Movement’s Identity during the Vietnam War,” Special Issue on Transculturality of Anti-Asian Racism, Sociological Inquiry 94 (2): 472-90 (2024).
- “Women’s Rights Movements with a Special Focus on Violence Against Women,” in Chinese Society, Sociology and Activism Section in Routledge Resources Online–Chinese Studies, edited by Chris Shei and Jie Chen. Routledge, 2024 (published in the 2023 Freemium edition).
- “Environmental and Conservation Movements” in Chinese Society, Sociology and Activism Section in Routledge Resources Online–Chinese Studies, edited by Chris Shei and Jie Chen. Routledge, 2024 (published in the 2023 Freemium edition).
- “Transnational NGO Advocacy to Address Land Grabbing Injustices: The Case of the Thilawa Special Economic Zone in Myanmar,” in Routledge Handbook of Global Land & Resource Grabbing, edited by Neef, Andrea, C. Ngin C, TM. Shegro, and S. Mollett. Routledge, 2023.
- “The Black Power Movement: The Black Panther Party and Its Transnational Dimensions,” in African-American Activism and Political Engagement: An Encyclopedia of Empowerment, edited by Jones, Angela. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2023.
- “Energy Democracy Movements in Japan,” in Energy Democracies for Sustainable Futures, edited by Nadesan, Majia, Martin Pasqualetti and Jennifer Keahey. Elsevier Science, 2022.
- “State-Movement Alliances: State Elites as Political Mediators in China’s Anti-Dam Movement,” Special Issue on Protest in China, Mobilization: The International Quarterly Review of Social Movement Research 25 (5): 675-689 (2020). Reprinted under the new title, “State Elites and Movement Alliances against the Nu River Dam Project,” in Protest in China. Edited by Sheldon Zhang and Hank Johnson. Rowman & Littlefield, 2022
- (Invited article) “Political Opportunities and Alliance-Making: A Case of Environmental Mobilization in China,” POLITIKA Annual Journal Session 2018-2019, Politics & Public Administration Association at the University of Hong Kong (the oldest academic journal in Hong Kong) (2020).
- Activating China: Local Actors, Foreign Influence, and State Response. Routledge 2019.
- “A Donor Influenced by Local Dynamics: Unintended Consequences of Capacity Building in China,” Sociology of Development 2 (1) Spring: 51-69 (2016).
- “Greenpeace” and “Respondeat Superior,” in Encyclopedia of White Collar and Corporate Crime, Second Edition, Salinger, Lawrence M. (ed), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Press, (2013).
- “Citizen Environmental Activism in China: Legitimacy, Alliances, and Rights-based Discourses,” in ASIANetwork Exchange: A Journal for Asian Studies in the Liberal Arts 19(2): 81-91 (2012).
- “Horizontal Dynamics in Transnational Activism: The Case of Nu River Anti-dam Activism in China” in Mobilization: The International Quarterly Review of Social Movement Research 16(3): 369-87 (2011).
- “The Emergence of Environmental Organizations and Women’s Environmental Activism in China and Taiwan.” Publication in the Journal of Asian Women’s Studies (Japan), 12, pp. 7-14 (Mar. 2003) reprinted in the Journal of Chinese Studies (Japan), 45 (2004).
- She has published book reviews with American Journal of Sociology, Contemporary Sociology, Mobilization: The International Quarterly Review of Social Movement Research, and Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, Cultural and Political Protest.
- Other Media
- “Environmental Movements in China and Their Transnational Dimensions,” Mobilizing Ideas, the Center for the Study of Social Movements at the University of Notre Dame (Published 12/02/2014).
- American Sociological Association.
- Association for Asian Studies.
- She was a Freeman Post-Doc Fellow as well as Fulbright Scholar.
- “MOFA Taiwan Fellowship”
- The East-West Center.
- Fred J. Hansen Foundation for the Study of Nonviolence.
- National Endowment for the Humanities.
- She has received fellowships from the National Science Foundation, the Social Science Research Council, the U.S. Department of Education (Fulbright Hays and FLAS), the University of California (a Pacific Rim Research Grant, the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation fellowship, and Regent Fellowship), the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation (Taiwan), and the World Bank.