- B.A., Illinois Wesleyan University 2010
- Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison 2015
Dr. Faust’s research at the junction of analytical and environmental chemistry seeks to…
- Characterize organic molecules in precipitation and particulate matter using high-resolution mass spectrometry.
- Monitor rates, products of multiphase reactions that form atmospheric brown carbon.
- Test stability of model lubricant films against oxidative aging.
- CHEM 111: General Chemistry I
- CHEM 112: General Chemistry II
- CHEM 215: Analytical Chemistry
- CHEM 215L: Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
- CHEM 216: Environmental Chemistry
- CHEM 29901: Atmospheric Chemistry
- CHEM 29902: Environmental Contaminants
- CHEM 316L: Instrumental Analysis Laboratory
- CHEM 401: Introduction to Independent Study
- CHEM 10103: World of Air and Water
- IDPT 101: First Year Seminars in Critical Inquiry (Poisoned Water)
The full list of Dr. Faust’s I.S. advisees is available on the group web site.
- Lily Anderson ’23 (Measurement & Analysis of Pesticide Biotransformation Products in Ohio Precipitation Samples)
- Emma Schell ’23 (Heterogeneous Ozonolysis of a Novel Fungicide)
- David DiGena-Segal ’22, co-advised with postdoctoral scholar Dr. Rebekah Gray (What’s in the Air: Characterization of Particulate Matter in Wooster Ohio)
- Riya Joshi ’22 (Multiphase Oxidation of Squalene and Diphenylamine in the Presence of Ozone Gas by Using ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy)
- Aaron Weese ’22, co-advised with postdoctoral scholar Dr. Rebekah Gray (Methods of Characterization and Quantification of Pesticides in Precipitation in Wooster, Ohio)
- Jenelle Booker ’21, co-advised with Prof. Karl Feierabend (Self-Assembled Monolayers as a Model for Photooxidation of Plastic Waste Using ATR-FTIR and Kinetic Modeling)
- Madison Heller ’21, co-advised with Prof. Paul Edmiston (Analysis of Vitamin C Products for Potency and Associated Contaminants by HPLC-UV and GC-MS)
The full list of Dr. Faust’s publications is available on the group web site.
- Kim, Y.*; Pike, K. A.*; Gray, R.; Sprankle, J. W.*; Faust, J. A.; Edmiston, P. L. Non-Targeted Identification and Semi-Quantitation of Emerging Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in US Rainwater, Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts 2023. doi: 10.1039/D2EM00349J. [Invited for the themed issue “Tracking Complex Mixtures of Chemicals in the Human- and Eco-Exposome: The Nexus of Models, Analytics, and Toxicity”. First Runner-up in Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts Best Papers of 2022.]
- Gray, R.; Painter, E.*; Sprankle, J.*; Crawford, A. D.; Morrison, J. J.; Frazier, M.; Faust, J. A. Suspect Screening for Pesticides in Precipitation Using Liquid Chromatography High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry, Environ. 2022, 291, 119389. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119389
- Wokosin, K. A.*; Schell, E. L.*; Faust, J. A. Surfactants, Films, and Coatings on Atmospheric Aerosol Particles: A Review. Environ. Sci.: Atmos. 2022, 2, 775-828. doi: 10.1039/D2EA00003B. [Invited. Best Emerging Investigator Paper in Env. Sci.: Atmos Best Papers of 2022.]
- Faust, J. A. PFAS on Atmospheric Aerosol Particles: A Review. Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts 2022, 25, 133-150. doi: 10.1039/D2EM00002D
- Pike, K. A.*; Edmiston, P. L.; Morrison, J. J.; Faust, J. A. Correlation Analysis of Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Regional U.S. Precipitation Events. Water Res. 2021, 190, 116685. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2020.116685
*Wooster student
- National Science Foundation CAREER Award (2021-2026), CAREER: Multiphase Oxidation and Fate of Pesticides in Dry and Wet Deposition; Faust, J.; $641,239
- National Science Foundation Collaborative Research (2022-2025), Towards a Better Understanding of the Atmospheric Fate of PFAS; A. May (PI, The Ohio State University), J. Faust (co-PI, College of Wooster), S. Vyas (co-PI, Colorado School of Mines); $24,448 to Wooster
- National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation (2020-2023), MRI: Acquisition of a LC/Q-ToF Mass Spectrometer to Enhance Undergraduate Research and Education in the Chemical and Biochemical Sciences; Edmiston, P.; Faust, J.; $232,158
- American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (2018-2020), Exploring Heterogeneous Reactions of Model Lubricant Films with Indoor Oxidants: Products, Kinetics, and Energetics; Faust, J. A.; $55,000