
Payment Schedule 2025-26

8 payments2 payments1 payment
Two-half-day program$258$1,035$2,070
Three-half-day program$373$1,495$2,990
Five-half-day program$603$2,415$4,830
Pay Tuition

If you have issues using the payment link, please contact Tessa Hammond at thammond@wooster.edu.

Payment Methods

You can pay the tuition payments one of three ways:

  1. Put your check (payable to The College of Wooster Preschool) in an envelope addressed to College of Wooster Preschool and place it in the Preschool mailbox located in the upstairs lobby area.
  2. Mail checks (payable to College of Wooster Preschool) to:
    The College of Wooster: Preschool
    353 E. Pine St.
    Wooster, OH 44691
  3. Pay online. Processing fees apply.

Payment Due Dates

2-Payment Plan
September 1January 1
1-Payment Plan
September 1

All fees must be paid by the last day of the school year.


For families receiving scholarship assistance your payment amount will vary from above.

  • No bills will be sent, only reminders if a payment is overdue.
  • Tuition payments that are 60 days overdue may result in the child being withdrawn.
  • Monthly payments are due on the first of the month September – April
  • In the semester payment plan, payments are due September 1 and January 1.
  • In the annual payment plan, payment is due September 1.
  • All fees must be paid by the last day of the school year.