
APEX Fellowship | Adam Hinden

Adam Hinden

Major: Chinese Studies, Anthropology
Class Year: 2022
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Faculty Mentor: Stephanie Strand

Andrew Award of Excellence

As a research intern at the Center for World Indigenous Studies, an NGO dedicated to promoting indigenous rights worldwide, I remotely curated tribal documents for an online library database.






Posted in Comments Enabled, Experiential Learning, Experiential Learning Showcase 2021 on November 3, 2021.

6 responses to “APEX Fellowship | Adam Hinden”

  1. Jenni Griffin says:

    Adam, Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I’m so glad you found a wonderful place that allowed you to find a convergence of your academic and professional interests.

  2. Carly Eppler says:

    Hi Adam,
    This internship sounds like an amazing opportunity. Moving forward, do you have specific indigenous populations you’re interested in working in?

  3. Sarah Sobeck says:

    What a great experience Adam! Thank you for sharing. Great tips for approaching internships and learning more about the host organizations. How did this experience shape your long-term professional goals beyond IS and Wooster?

  4. Adam Hinden says:

    Thanks so much for your comment! In the future, I would like to continue working with indigenous populations in China and Taiwan, as they are often overlooked by Western discourses of indigeneity. More specifically, I’d love to delve deeper into the Tao tribe of Taiwan’s Orchid Island, as they hold a very unique and contentious relationship with the government.

  5. Cathy McConnell says:

    Your experience certainly shows how cool it is to combine areas of interest. Nice job – and we appreciate you using your knowledge to help other students find good opportunities.

  6. Adam Hinden says:

    @Dr. Sobeck: thank you very much for the feedback. This experience solidified my interest in indigenous studies and will undoubtedly inform future research topics for higher education in Anthropology.

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