Wooster’s Commitment to Students and Reproductive Health Care

Dear College of Wooster Community,
I write today in response to Friday’s Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade, the monumental 1973 decision that established the constitutional right to abortion access under the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. By no longer recognizing the constitutional right for people to choose their own reproductive health options, the Supreme Court ruling moves the regulation of abortion to individual states to decide.
In Ohio, a law banning abortion once a fetal heartbeat can be detected (typically about six weeks after the last menstrual period) went into effect on Friday night, following a ruling by a Federal judge.
These rulings impact many in our community profoundly, and in deeply personal ways. There will be many important matters to consider as we think through how best to support the health care needs of our students, faculty and staff in this rapidly evolving legal environment. Today, we’d like to speak to the ways we will continue to support student access to needed medical care. We are also considering the impacts these rulings may have for our staff and faculty, and ways the College may provide assistance, and will likely have more to share on that in the coming weeks.
The College of Wooster is absolutely committed to providing comprehensive health care access to all students through the Longbrake Student Wellness Center and our partner providers. Student health is a cornerstone for our mission and a top priority. If a student needs health care services that are not available locally, the College will support them in accessing care as nearby as possible. For some types of reproductive health care, such as abortion, that may mean assisting a student in accessing care in another state, for example. As for all medical care, students are eligible to apply for emergency funds from the Dean of Students’ office to support urgent reproductive healthcare, including abortion.
If you are a student in need of resources or support, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Dean of Students’ office at 330-263-2545. For the summer, a registered nurse is available Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-noon; 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. at the Longbrake Wellness Center (330-263-2319). The Wellness Center will reopen full services for the fall on August 21. Among the types of care available at the Wellness center is “Plan B” medication. Telehealth services remain available all year, including through the summer at scotstelehealth.com.
We will continue to carefully follow the changing legal environment and to plan for ways to support full access to health care for all members of our community.
Sarah Bolton
Published June 27, 2022
Posted in Announcements, News on June 27, 2022.