APEX Fellowship | Alexa Carlozzi

Majors: Global & International Studies and French & Francophone Studies
Class Year: 2023
Organization: United Way of Wayne and Holmes Counties
As a marketing intern for United Way of Wayne and Holmes, I will create social media and blog posts using community stories and will assist with outreach, collaboration, and events.
Posted in Comments Enabled, Experiential Learning Showcase 2022 on November 16, 2022.
4 responses to “APEX Fellowship | Alexa Carlozzi”
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Related Areas of Study
Global & International Studies
Economics, history, and political science courses with a global and international perspective
MajorFrench & Francophone Studies
French language, literature and culture with study abroad and outside-the-classroom immersion opportunites
Major Minor
Thank you for this very thoughtful overview of your work and the skills you gained. I also appreciated how many wonderful photos you had of yourself engaged in so many different aspects of the work!
It was so wonderful to have you as a Social Justice Intern this summer! I really appreciated the perspective and ideas you would bring to our weekly discussions and reflections. Thanks for spending your summer supporting an important organization here in Wayne County!
Thank you so much, Mrs. McConnell! I had a wonderful experience this summer and I appreciate your help throughout the process!
Thank you, Professor Krause! I truly enjoyed being a part of the new Social Justice program and having your support in navigating this new experience!