
Turbat Enkhtur | 2024 I.S. Symposium

Turbat Enkhtur head shot

Name: Turbat Enkhtur
Title: Developing “WoOral”: A Full Stack Web Application for Streamlined Thesis Defense Scheduling with User Interface Design Focus
Major: Computer Science
Advisors: Sofia Visa; Thomas Montelione

The academic landscape, particularly in higher education, has long been characterized by a blend of tradition and innovation. One of the enduring traditions is the thesis defense—a key moment in a student’s academic journey. At The College of Wooster, scheduling these defenses has traditionally been inefficient, managed manually or via Excel spreadsheets. This study introduces WoOral, a web application designed to streamline this process through modern user interface design principles and full-stack development technologies. WoOral was developed using the XAMPP stack, which includes Apache (web server), PHP (server-side processing), and MariaDB with phpMyAdmin (database management), along with HTML, CSS, jQuery, and Bootstrap for client-side development. The application emphasizes key UI design principles such as discoverability, feedback, conceptual models, affordances, signifiers, mapping, constraints, and error prevention. By adhering to well-researched design principles and focusing on user needs we developed an effective scheduling system designed for people, with people in mind.

Posted in Symposium 2024 on April 24, 2024.