
Wooster senior speaks with New York Times about work-life balance expectations

Wylie Greeson ’22

College of Wooster senior and environmental geoscience and English major, Wylie Greeson ’22, spoke with DealBook Newsletter, a business and policy publication of the New York Times about his feelings on work-life balance in a recent article called “College Seniors Prepare to Enter a Work World in Flux.” Greeson was among 10 seniors from universities and colleges across the U.S. that DealBook asked about entering the workplace amidst the changes brought on by the pandemic.

Members of the Class of 2022 spoke about the role that values play, office hours, working multiple jobs and careers, and retirement. Alongside census data and research about the growing number of millennials working side hustle or second jobs, Greeson was asked to comment about his interest in working a second job. As a double major and past member of the swimming and diving team while at Wooster, Greeson is no stranger to the idea of a busy schedule.

“I can’t imagine that I could stand that,” Greeson said in the article. “I really care about time away from work and being able to spend time with people that I care about. Most importantly I want a work environment that will give me flexible hours to spend with my family, whenever that happens down the line.”

Greeson’s comments reflected a greater theme represented in the article, a readiness to face a dynamic work environment. Coming from two years spent dealing with the uncertainty the pandemic caused for these seniors’ final years of college, the article emphasized that “The new normal will be their first normal” and not a new reality.

Posted in News on February 21, 2022.