The Pre-Ministry Program at Wooster provides students a structure for discernment and fellowship with others who may be considering seminary, rabbinic school, graduate theological education, or religious vocations and study*. By providing regular meetings, faculty and staff mentorship, and networking opportunities with alumni and practitioners, students who are interested in ministry-related fields will find opportunities for integrating their studies, values, and passions in life after Wooster.
“Ministry,” in this case, is meant to include a range of fields or vocational paths, including (but not limited to): chaplaincy of all forms, social work and counseling, non-profit services, community organizing, faith-based and social justice education, a variety of academic disciplines, congregational or liturgical leadership, religious diversity and equity work, public service (political or legal), and much more. The Co-Advisors help students connect with practitioners from these fields, as well as provide information about internships or experiential learning opportunities related to their interests.
This pre-professional program is open to any student of any major(s)/minor(s), class year, and religious/spiritual background (or no background). There are no formal academic requirements associated with participation. Gatherings typically occur on the first Monday of each month during the academic school year and include food, conversation, guest speakers and/or reflective activities as part of a cohort of peer learners.
*Wooster students interested in visiting U.S. seminaries, divinity schools, rabbinic schools, or graduate programs in religious studies are eligible to receive financial assistance for their travel/housing expenses from the Chaplain’s office, thanks to a generous gift from Jim (’72) and Darcey Johnston (’73) DeRose. All inquiries about funding and requests should be directed to Chaplain Erin Guzmán.
Faculty & Staff

Erin Guzmán
Henry J. Copeland Interfaith Chaplain and Director of Religious & Spiritual Life

Chan Sok Park
Associate Professor of Religious Studies; Classical Studies; Department Chair of Middle Eastern and North African Studies