Megan Tuennerman '22

Wrong-way Icelandic puffins lead student researcher to follow the right path

When you love animals as a child, people often say “You should be a veterinarian when you grow up.” Megan Tuennerman ’22 heard this […]

I.S. button

Positive, Negative, and Apocalyptic Climate Messages: The Effect on Attitudes and Possible Future Behaviors Toward Sharks

Name: Truong Nguyen Majors: Communication Studies and Environmental Studies Advisors: Denise Bostdorff and Matt Mariola The purpose of this study is to find out the best […]

Lia Khan

Deep Roots in Eroding Soil: Building Decolonial Resilience Amidst Climate Violence and Displacement in a Louisiana Bayou Indigenous Community

Name: Lia McGrath Kahan Major: Environmental Studies—Environment and Society Advisors: Dr. Iemanja Brown, Dr. Carlo Moreno (second reader) The Pointe-au-Chien Indian Tribe of coastal […]

Sky Gill

Finding a Way Home: Examining Outcomes of Foster Care after Maltreatment

Name: Sky Gill Major: Statistical and Data Sciences Minors:Sociology, Environmental Studies Advisors: Dr. Christina Horr, Dr. Jillian Morrison (second reader) Foster care in the […]

Puffins, the Charismatic Clowns of the Sea: Examining the Relationship Between Community Identity and the Social Construction of Animals

Name: Megan Tuennerman Majors: Sociology, Environmental Studies Advisors: Dr. Heather Fitz Gibbon This study analyzes the factors, internal and external, that affect the relationship […]

I.S. button

Eradicating Pseudomonas Biofilms through Synergistic Interaction of Manuka Honey and Bacteriophage PF7

Name: Emma Bossaert Majors: Biology Minor: Environmental Studies Advisor: William Morgan Bacterial biofilms are a major cause of chronic wound infections and are infamously […]

Audrey Holder

Meat Your Vegetables: An Exploration into Food Sustainability on a Small Liberal Arts Campus

Name: Audrey Holder Major: Anthropology Minor: Environmental Studies Advisors: Seiko Matsuzawa, Heather Fitz Gibbon (second reader) There have been several studies that link food […]

Grant Sprague

Bring Me a Shrubbery: A Study of Native Amphibian and Mammal Responses to Native Deciduous Plant Community Restoration in Wooster, Ohio

Name: Grant Sprague Major: Biology Minor: Environmental Studies Advisors: Dr. Lehtinen Second reader: Dr. Brandley Invasive species are a growing threat to global biodiversity, […]

Head shot of Ren Johnson

What’s the Buzz? Presence of a Honey Bee Hive Decreases Native Bee Visitation to Native Plant Gardens in Northeast Ohio

Name: Ren Johnson Major: Biology Minor: Environmental Studies Advisors: Jennifer Ison, Reed Johnson, Hilary Edgington; Sharon Lynn (second reader) Apis mellifera, honey bees, are kept worldwide to […]

Head shot for Cecelia Bagnoli

Women of Appalachia: Common Ground, Different Matriarch

Name: Cecelia Bagnoli Majors: Communication Studies and Environmental Studies Advisor: Dr. Oscar Mejía The purpose of my Independent Study was to create a podcast, which you […]

Great Decisions of Wayne County lecture series returns to Wooster

WOOSTER, Ohio — The lecture series, The Great Decisions of Wayne County, is set to return to The College of Wooster campus in March […]

Truong Nguyen

APEX Fellowship | Truong Nguyen

Majors: Communication Studies, Environmental Studies Class Year: 2022 Pronouns: He/Him/His Faculty Mentor: Carly Eppler I worked as a Human Resource Intern at Techcombank in […]

Cecelia Bagnoli

APEX Fellowship | Cecelia Bagnoli

Majors: Communication Studies, Environmental Studies Class Year: 2022 Pronouns: She/Her/Hers Faculty Mentor: Dr. Sarah Sobeck I interned at Mayflower Community in Iowa where I […]

group of four people pose for photo in black polo shirts at The College of Wooster

AMRE | Wayne County Dog Shelter and Adoption Center

Sarah Brunot ’22 | Environmental Studies Kate Yordy ’22 | Russian Studies & Economics Special thanks to the following sponsors: Laura B. Frick Charitable […]

graphic containing details on Wooster Science Cafe at The College of Wooster

Wooster Science Cafe resumes Tuesday, Oct. 5 with “The Science of Green Technology”

The Wooster Science Café will resume its fall semester series on Tuesday, Oct. 5 with the topic called “The Science of Green Technology.” The […]

Susan Clayton

Professor Clayton co-authors major study on climate anxiety among young people

Susan Clayton, Whitmore-Williams Professor of Psychology at The College of Wooster, is a contributor on a major paper that studies climate anxiety among young […]


Students and faculty team up to help local community adapt to climate change

As Northeast Ohioans along with people around the world live through unprecedented levels of natural disasters due to climate change, students and faculty at […]

Susan Clayton

Professor discusses climate change and mental health on ABC News

On July 11, Susan Clayton, Whitmore-Williams Professor of Psychology at The College of Wooster, appeared in an ABC News segment to discuss the negative impacts of […]

Carlo Moreno

Environmental Studies professor collaborates with local lavender farm on joint research project

This summer Carlo Moreno, assistant professor of environmental studies at The College of Wooster, is teaming up with Jim and Amy Duxbury, owners of […]

Claire Wineman ’21

Scientific collaboration offers insights to farmers on soil health

Attracted to the idea of mentored research and “the opportunity to delve deeply into a topic and become an expert,” Claire Wineman ’21 came […]