Women’s, gender, & sexuality studies major discovers new career paths through internship

Before serving as an intern at the Center on Halsted in Chicago, Matthew Harris-Ridker ’19 was concerned about finding a well-paying career as a women’s, gender, & sexuality studies major. However, after working for a nonprofit organization, he discovered the salary of a job wasn’t as important to him as the impact it made. As an intern at the Center on Halsted— an LGBTQ community center for the Chicago region— he helped with blogging, social media proposals, and representing the organization at various events.
Matthew was able to apply the skills and knowledge he gained from classes to his work at the center, such as writing and “brainstorming ideas in small group settings using a feminist lens.” He also gained insight into the inner workings of a nonprofit by sitting in on staff meetings and group collaborations and learned that “getting to know your coworkers is so important for opening your mind.” From his APEX Fellowship experience, Matthew was able to make connections, develop new skills, and find a passion for working in social media consulting and philanthropy.
Posted in Experiential Learning on August 9, 2017.
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Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
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