
AMRE | Tree Ring Analysis

Tree Ring Analysis Team

Dendrochronological analysis of the tree ring series of Mountain Hemlock, Western Hemlock, European Larch, and White Oak trees

Srushti Chaudhari ’22, Earth Science
Mazvita Chikomo ’22, Environmental Geoscience
Wenshuo (Fred) Zhao
’23, Earth Science
Advisor: Greg Wiles
The team updated and analyzed past climate data in Alaska and northeast Ohio to examine the response of trees to various environmental factors. They reported their findings to their various clients including Dr. Ben Gaglioti of University of Alaska Fairbanks, Dr. Lauren Vargo, a Wooster alum and a glaciologist studying in New Zealand, TRAYLS, and Secrest Arboretum.

This project was made possible by financial support from the following organizations: The Sherman-Fairchild Foundation and The Luce Foundation.
Members of Tree Ring Analysis will be online to field comments on Nov. 5 from 3:30pm-5:30pm.

Posted in Experiential Learning, Experiential Learning Virtual Symposium on October 23, 2020.

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