
AMRE | Benefits Cliff II

Building a BRIDGE to Self-Sufficiency: Policy Prescriptions to Address Benefits Cliffs in Ohio

Tim Cotter ’22, Philosophy
Stachal Harris ’21, Political Science
Michael Nahhas
’21, Economics
Advisors: Cameron Maneese, Bas van Doorn

Experiential Learning Student Award Winner: Stachal Harris ’21

Based on research, the team recommended policy solutions on the local and state level to reduce the impact of a benefits cliff, as well as give an update on the current rules and eligibility for public benefits. The team collaborated with local nonprofits, various state and local elected officials, and government agencies to determine challenges and solutions, especially under COVID-19. The team developed a four-pronged approach to address benefits cliffs in Ohio, which they presented to a variety of state and local agencies, organizations, and elected officials.

This project was made possible by financial support from the following organizations: The Andrew Fellowships Fund, The Laura B. Frick Charitable Trust, The Ralph R. & Grace B. Jones Foundation, The Donald & Alice Noble Foundation, Bala Venkataraman, The Wayne County Community Foundation, The Wilson Fellowships Fund, The Fund for Our Economic Future, and United Way of Wayne and Holmes Counties.
Members of Benefits Cliff II will be online to field comments on Nov. 5 from 11am-1pm.

Posted in Experiential Learning, Experiential Learning Virtual Symposium on October 25, 2020.

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