
Zion Vital | 2024 I.S. Symposium

Zion Vital head shot

Name: Zion Vital
Title: Faces for Profit Documentary: Exploring the Increased Utilization of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) Celebrities in Commercial Brand Strategies
Major: Global Media & Digital Studies
Advisors: Nii Nikoi; Ahmet Atay

The purpose of my independent study research was to explore the relationship between the increase in utilization of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) celebrities and their influence in commercial brand strategy. The efficacy of commercial brand strategies can be comprehensively understood through an examination of their multifaceted roles in shaping consumer perceptions, cultural resonance, and social change. Businesses use celebrities and influencers to help humanize their brands, allowing them to connect to audiences in a more relatable and authentic manner; the same can be said when implementing BIPOC actors, characters or likenesses within a commercial campaign.

Upon thoroughly researching my topic, I proceeded to interview six people of color to produce my documentary “Faces for Profit”, where their thoughts, opinions, and criticisms were captured and used to present my topic creatively. The purpose of this film is to raise awareness of the increased BIPOC representations in commercial brand strategies and highlight its implications.

Posted in Symposium 2024 on April 24, 2024.