Alex Delicer | 2024 I.S. Symposium

Name: Alex Delicer
Title: Developing A Web Application For Displaying Major League Baseball Statistics
Major: Computer Science
Advisor: Thomas Montelione
Major League Baseball is an exciting sport for the casual fan to watch. However, looking at Major League Baseball statistics can be very confusing and hard to understand. There are dozens of sites that display baseball statistics but it can be difficult for fans to understand what they are for if they are not given context behind what they are tracking. In this work, this problem was addressed by creating a web application to display Major League Baseball statistics in a readable and understandable manner for the casual fan. The web application also offers information about the statistics being tracked and comparisons about what they can tell us. Usability testing was conducted on this web application with the goal of finding out what the design does well and what can be improved about it. Based on the results, there are adjustments that can be made to improve this design to further aid the casual fan in learning more about baseball statistics.
Posted in Symposium 2024 on May 6, 2024.
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Computer Science
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