Mandatory Mathematics Placement Assessment

As we prepare for your ARCH session, we want to make sure we have all the information needed to facilitate course planning and your transition to the college. One of the things we need is a good idea of what your current level of knowledge is in Mathematics. All incoming students are required to take the Mathematics Placement Assessment before June 1.

The mathematics placement assessment is broken up into a number of sections. All students will take the first section which is 35 multiple choice questions. This test assesses essential skills for success in calculus as well as in our other courses –there is no calculus on this initial section of the math exam. You will have 90 minutes to complete this section of the placement exam. No calculator or other resources are allowed. If you use a calculator or other resources to assist you on the test, you risk inflating your true score and thereby may place yourself into a course for which you are unprepared.

Depending on your score on the initial section you may be directed to take additional section(s) of the exam that will allow us to accurately place you in higher levels of mathematics. The additional sections of the exam will contain calculus questions. Each additional section will contain 15 questions and have a time limit either 45 or 60 minutes. You do not have to take the additional section(s) at the same time as the first section, but please take all section(s) that you are directed to before June 1. When you are ready to begin the Mathematics exam please click here, and choose the OpenID Connect button. You will need to log in with your Wooster username (xstudent28) and password.

Choose Math Placement Exam from the list. The exam may only be taken one time, so please do not follow the link until you are ready to take the exam.

What Does My Mathematics Placement Score Mean?
Upon completion of this assessment, a score will be generated that will determine your math placement. Your Academic Advisor will have access to this information when you meet with them. For some classes, a certain minimum placement score is required before you can enroll. You should talk with an Academic Advisor to help you determine the best mathematics class for you. Your course choices always must take into account your academic plans (i.e., your intended major/program) and your skills and aptitudes. For some students, taking a mathematics class in the first year is critical, while others may choose to fulfill all of their Wooster requirements without taking mathematics. In either case, your Academic Advisors can help you determine what class to take and when.

A Note on Academic Accommodation/Accessibility
The placement exams have been designed to include extended time for students with documented disabilities. If you believe an alternative testing format other than extended time may be necessary, please contact Carly Jones (cjones@wooster.edu) in the Academic Resource Center. If you have general questions about the placement exams, please contact the ARCH staff at arch@wooster.edu. 

Chemistry Placement Exam

If you are interested in any of the following majors or career paths, you should take the Chemistry Placement exam before June 1.

  • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Chemical Physics
  • Earth Science
  • Neuroscience
  • Pre-Health (including Nursing, Dental, Public Health, Physicians) 

This will help your ARCH Mentors direct you to the correct courses first semester. In order to take the exam you will need: 

  • A computer, laptop, or tablet (computer or laptop highly recommended)
  • Stable internet connection
  • 60 minutes of uninterrupted time
  • A Periodic table (you can download one here )
  • A Calculator
  • Pencil & Paper 

Once you begin the exam you will have one hour to complete the exam. You should not use any other resources on this exam. You can only take the exam once, so please do not click through until you are ready to begin the test. Choose the OpenID Connect button to log in. You will need to log in with your Wooster user name (xstudent28) and password. 

What does the score mean? 

Your ARCH Mentors will have access to this information when you meet with them. Based on your score on this exam (as well as the math placement exam) and your interests they will be able to direct you to the most appropriate courses for your first semester. 

A Note on Academic Accommodation/Accessibility

The placement exams have been designed to include extended time for students with documented disabilities. If you believe an alternative testing format other than extended time may be necessary, please contact Carly Jones (cjones@wooster.edu) in the Academic Resource Center. If you have general questions about the placement exams, please contact the ARCH staff at arch@wooster.edu.

Mandatory Reading Assessment
We are excited that you are joining the College of Wooster and want you to have a smooth transition to college-level academics. To assist your course planning at ARCH, it is importantthat we get a sense of your current reading abilities.

DreamBox Reading Assessment
The DreamBox reading assessment is a computer-adaptive assessment that will gauge your reading rate, vocabulary range, and reading comprehension. Because it is computer adaptive, the program will automatically adjust length and content to each individual student so additional time is not required for students with disabilities.Do not use any resources such as dictionaries, translators, or search engines, and do not get help from other people reading aloud, explaining, or answering questions, even if you are a multilingual student or a student with a disability. The assessment is designed to get an accurate picture of your unassisted abilities, and knowing what you can do on your own will allow you to make the best decisions about how to manage your course schedule and
academic experience at Wooster.

Equipment Requirements: The assessment works best if you use a laptop or desktop computer to take this assessment; please do not use a phone or tablet.

The assessment takes approximately 45 minutes. Please arrange to take this assessment when you are sure you will have 45  minutes of stable internet connection and uninterrupted time. Your results will be the most accurate if you fully concentrate on the assessment and complete it in one sitting.

This assessment is important for your course planning so please set aside
the time to do your best on this assessment.

When the assessment ends, you may simply exit your browser window.

Log in Instructions: When you are ready to begin the Reading  Assessment,please click here

Select “I’m a Student.”
Site Code: rpcolle9
Username: your Wooster email address
Password: Wooster2028 (case sensitive, so please capitalize the“W”)

What Do the Results of My Reading Assessment Mean?

Your reading assessment results are used to support you as you transition to the College of Wooster.  The results are used to recommend courses that may be a great fit for you and to identify students who may benefit from support options available to first-year students.

If you have questions about your reading assessment results or are interested in using the DreamBox Reading Plus software over the summer to work on your reading skills, please contact the Academic Resource Center.

Mandatory Learning and Study Strategies Inventory

The conscious and unconscious thoughts, behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs that you have about learning can significantly affect your academic success in college, and these vital traits can be enhanced through effective academic support services. As anew College of Wooster student, it is important for us to understand your current learning and study strategies through the use of the LASSI assessment prior to your entrance to the college. LASSI (Learning and Study Strategies Inventory) is a 10-scale, 60-item assessment designed to gauge how you interact with strategic learning methods – your knowledge, skills, motivation, and self-regulation related tolearning and study strategies. You should set aside approximately 20-30 minutes for the assessment.

All incoming students are required to take the LASSI the LASSI assessment before June 1.

When you are ready to begin, click on the following link: https://www.collegelassi.com/

This link will direct you to a webpage that contains directions for taking the LASSI assessment. After you have read these directions, you must enter your school number to continue. Your school number is listed below along with your username and password.


College of Wooster student log-in information:
School Number: 82333
Username: gyxw
User Password: cza

After entering this information, you will need to enter your first and last name, Wooster email address, and student ID number into the spaces provided for your assessment to be submitted correctly.The next screen to appear will be the LASSI assessment in which you will be asked to respond to 60 statements using five types of responses. To help you decide which responses to select, the intention of each option is described as follows:

  • By “Not at all typical of me,” we do not necessarily mean that the statement would never describe you, but that it would be true of you only in rare instances.
  • By “Not very typical of me,” we mean that the statement generally would not be true of you.
  • By “Somewhat typical of me,” we mean that the statement would be true of you about half of the time.
  • By “Fairly typical of me,” we mean that the statement would generally be true of you.
  • By “Very much typical of me,” we do not necessarily mean that the statement would always describe you, but that it would be true of you almost all the time.

After completing all the items and successfully submitting the results, a two-page report will be displayed with your scores for each scale, together with your name, college, and date of assessment. If you have any questions about your LASSI assessment results or are interested in learning more about how to strengthen your academic skill sets, please contact Amber Larson or Kate Gullatta.

World Language Placement Assessment

What is the purpose of the World Languages Placement Assessment? 

  • To determine which course is the best starting point for you to continue your language study at The College of Wooster

What if I have never studied a world language?

  • You do not need to take a placement assessment.
  • You can register for a beginning (10100) course in any language that interests you.

When should I enroll in my first language course? 

  • You are strongly encouraged to enroll in the fall semester of your first year. This will afford you ample time should you decide to incorporate world language study into your four-year plan.

Which placement assessment(s) should I take? 

  • You should take the assessment in the language or languages that you previously studied or in which you have lived experience. You can take more than one test.
    • Ancient Greek (in person)
    • Chinese (online)
    • French (online)
    • German (online)
    • Latin (online)
    • Russian (online)
    • Spanish (online)

Can I study a different language than the one I previously studied?

  • Yes! You can begin a new language instead of continuing the one you previously studied. You can also take the assessment in as many languages as you like!

When and how should I take the world language placement assessment? 

  • You will take it during ARCH before you talk with your advisor about registering for courses. In-person ARCH participants will take the assessment on site. Virtual ARCH participants will be contacted via their Wooster email to take it remotely.

What if I place into 201 or above and do not wish to continue language study at this time? 

  • You have fulfilled the College’s language requirement if the assessment was taken in a proctored setting. If not, you will need to take a proctored assessment in the fall semester in order to confirm the outcome. You are strongly encouraged to consider continuing with the language at the indicated level since you have demonstrated an aptitude for it. You are encouraged to talk to the department chairperson to explore possible avenues.

Do I fulfill the language requirement if I grew up speaking a non-English language?

  • If you completed high school in an English-speaking country, including the United States, you must complete a language assessment.
  • Other students should check their degree audits during ARCH to see if it shows your language requirement as being met.

Why should I study a world language while I’m at Wooster?

  • You are required to complete two semesters of language study at the introductory level to fulfill the College’s language requirement.
  • Language study is the gateway to understanding other cultures.
  • Language study will enrich your other courses of study, including eventually Senior Independent Study.
  • Language study can prepare you to study abroad.
  • Language study expands your opportunities for internships and research.
  • Language skills are highly marketable and an asset in any career.
Computer Science Placement Test

Students with prior experience in computer science / computer programming and want to continue in that field should take the placement exam. This test normally takes less than 30 minutes to complete and should be completed when you have a quiet location with a strong internet connection. When you are ready, you can take the test here https://forms.office.com/r/yGH72HF0XN