This student-organized club is a great way to collaborate with other pre-health peers working toward future careers in pre-health professions. It also serves as a fantastic resource of ideas, connections, and experiences for underclassmen and upperclassmen looking into a health profession. Students in this club participate in volunteer activities, social events, study groups, and field trips related to learning more about health professions and possible areas of study they wish to attend after their time at Wooster.

  • Our organization will provide a wider breadth of diverse resources for students on Wooster’s campus so that students at Wooster will have greater exposure to different perspectives in a wider range of careers. We will do this by doing our own research on healthcare careers outside of the ones most thought, such as MD, and also by bringing in a diverse group of guest speakers in healthcare professions.
  • Our organization will work to be visible and inclusive on campus by building personal connections with students who have indicated an interest in health professions especially underclassmen through email or small group get-togethers over food.
  • Our organization will increase the retention and recruitment in Pre-Health by creating a better sense of community within the group by creating intentional mentorship opportunities between upperclassmen and underclassmen and additionally by holding more regular meetings with topics relevant to health professions.

Social Media:

Instagram: wooprehealth

Facebook: The College of Wooster Pre-Health Club

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