Environmental Studies Major

As an inherently interdisciplinary program, Environmental Studies examines complex environmental challenges from both a natural and social science perspective. Students learn about both local and global issues affecting the environment, with particular emphasis on how humans contribute to both causing and solving such problems. Students at Wooster have the opportunity to major or minor in Environmental Studies, with ENVS majors selecting from four different tracks, including Environmental Humanities, Environment and Society, Environmental Conservation, and Sustainable Food Systems.

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Environmental Communication and Action Pathway

Wooster’s Pathway programs combine coursework with experiential learning, reflection, and networking to provide students with a better understanding of possible career opportunities in their interest area. The Environmental Communication and Action Pathway empowers students to explore ways in which they can translate their passion for environmental action into future career options, regardless of their major. In addition to participating in a community of like-minded peers, students complete three courses, a career planning module, an experiential learning opportunity, and reflections at various points in the process to complete their Pathway experience.

Learn More About The Environmental Communication and Action Pathway
Student Independent Study Projects

Independent Study, or I.S., is the culmination of a student’s four-year journey to intellectual independence: a yearlong project that allows students to throw themselves into a topic they are passionate about. Recent I.S. projects related to sustainability include studies of sustainable palm oil, heavy metal contamination in urban soil, bees and brownfields, food deserts in Chicago, traditional ecological knowledge and displaced communities, an analysis of songs about environmental events, and more. Students also have the opportunity to align their research with practical, on-campus projects being implemented by the Sustainability Office. Possible projects include campus fleet electrification, establishment of native growth areas, deployment of renewable energy, measuring and reducing plastic waste, carbon footprint measurement, and more.

Search Recent Environmental Studies Student I.S. Projects
Ex Uno Fonte (Faith & Environment) Fund

Thanks to a generous donation from the Wallace Genetic Foundation, The College of Wooster has been able to create a new fund focused on exploring the intersection between faith and the environment, with a particular focus on how faith leaders and communities respond to environmental challenges. The Ex Uno Fonte Fund will provide funding for a number of different projects including campus guest speakers, a subsidized TREK program (likely summer 2026), student/faculty research funding, a local faith & sustainability network, a clergy workshop, student internship funding, and administrative support. The Fund just launched in December 2023, so stay tuned for more information soon.