East vs. West: A Study of Orientalist Tropes in Sports Journalism

Student: Ben Blotner Major: English Minor: Communication Studies Advisor: Zoe Gibbons My Independent Study breaks down various works of sports journalism from the early […]

A History of Groundwater Contamination and Treatment in Wooster, Ohio

Student: Mason Minerva Major: Geology Advisors: Dr. Alex Crawford, Dr. Greg Wiles Contamination of drinking water can be incredibly problematic for the associated community, […]

Kendall Lloyd

Calculators in the High School Classroom: Anxiety Levels and Attitude Towards Mathematics

Student: Kendall Lloyd Majors: Mathematics, Education Advisors: Dr. Jillian Morrison, Dr. Marian Frazier Students often fear failure in the math classroom, especially when performing […]

Ecologically relevant cooling early in life does not affect expression of neophobia in zebra finch chicks (Taeniopygia guttatta)

Student: Anna James Major: Biology Minor: Spanish Advisor: Dr. Sharon Lynn Altricial chicks depend on their parents for warmth during early development. When parents […]

Being Moved by the Wild: A Study of Wilderness Spirituality and the Outdoors as a Tool for Retention and Recruitment in Quaker Communities

Student: Elise M. Nikolich Major: Religious Studies Minors: Chemistry, Environmental Studies Advisors: Jeremy Rapport, Mark Graham In order to investigate how Quakers employ the […]

Rebecca Warren

Spacing in the 5CSRTT Proves Beneficial in Early Levels

Student: Rebecca Warren Major: Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience Advisors: Amy Jo Stavnezer, John Neuhoff ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattentiveness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. […]