A Critical Analysis of Antiracist Pedagogical Strategies and Diverse Young Adult Literature for White Educators

Name: Jenna Stanton
Majors: English, Education
Advisors: Dr. Susanna Sacks, Dr. Christopher Kang (second reader)
This independent study attempts to answer the following research question: how can white educators teach predominantly white classrooms about racism through diverse Young Adult literature? To answer this question, I incorporate a multitude of pedagogical approaches, educational theory, Young Adult texts, and literary theory that consist of but are not limited to: Paulo Freire, bell hooks, Inquiry Based Learning, White Privilege Pedagogy, Antiracist Pedagogy, The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas, All American Boys by Brendan Kiely and Jason Reynolds, and more. I take these strategies and compile them into a list that can be used by white educators in their classrooms to apply to texts. The goal is not for each strategy to be used each time, but rather to utilize whatever strategy or approach is most appropriate for the given literature and lesson. I exemplify how to do so by first, critically analyzing two Young Adult texts and then applying those strategies to them in a mock lesson plan draft. Overall, this thesis attempts to examine ways that white educators can implement antiracist teaching strategies in their English Language Arts classroom while still adhering to state issued education standards in order to foster a classroom environment that encourages antiracist action and learning through literature. This project is a deeply personal one that I hope showcases my respect for the teaching profession and desire to foster an inclusive classroom. I hope this project is able to inspire future research into how white educators can foster antiracist education in their classrooms.
Posted in Comments Enabled, Education, Independent Study, Symposium 2022 on April 26, 2022.
12 responses to “A Critical Analysis of Antiracist Pedagogical Strategies and Diverse Young Adult Literature for White Educators”
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I can’t begin to tell you how proud of you I am!! Your work ethic, dedication and determination are going to take you on a journey to success! And, I’ll be there every step of the way cheering you on and smiling with pride!
Love you baby girl!!
Good to see you on Wednesday eve! Thank you for being a fantastic student in my classes, a devoted Teaching Assistant to me, and a hard administrative worker for the English Department #dreamteam 

. I am impressed by your academic work always (and also by your ability to balance a successful career in Wooster athletics
). Please keep in touch via me and your entire English I.S. via email, social media, and in person, okay? Happy day to showcase your I.S. and graduation season
**typo: “with me and your entire English Dpt via email, social media, and in person…”
Bravo. This is such important work! I am impressed with your determination to offer solutions with fact and theory based execution to address this concern. Congratulations and wishing you success!
I have loved watching your journey over the years and can’t wait to see what is in store for you! So proud of you and the amazing women you have become!! Love ya kid!
Jenna, we are so proud of you! You are a great role model for my kids! Your hard work, dedication, and hustle will take you far in your life! Never ever forget that you are enough!
Steph, Eric, Ella, and Brayden
Jenna, it’s been an amazing ride watching you grow up, literally since day 1. I know it hasn’t always been easy but those bumps have made you who you are today. You are a strong, smart, and beautiful young women, with a sweet (sometimes stubborn) caring soul. Can’t wait to see what your next chapter brings, continue to always be true to you. So proud of you, congratulations! Love you lots!
WOW Jenna that was really good. A lot of time and effort went into that. You did a good job. Well hard to believe one phase of life is about over. There’s been ups and downs, but what you have learned from everything.
Don’t worry the best is yet to come. Good Luck in the Future. We can hardly wait to see what the future holds for you. One thing you will be one heck of a teacher! Good Luck and lots of love.
Uncle Don & Aunt Carolee
Jenna, it’s wonderful to see this important project as the culmination of your work at Wooster! Do you have suggestions for the Strange Journeys class next time?
Jenna, it has been such an honor to see you grow into such a strong, independent woman. Everything you’ve been through thus far is, just going to continue to make you stronger. Here’s to the next chapter of your life! You’ve got this and we are all here to continue to cheer you on! Congrats sis! Can’t wait to see what your future brings. Love you always!
Congrats Jenna! I am so proud of you and can’t wait to see what the future holds.
Congrats Jenna!