
Learning in Virtual and In-Person Elementary Classrooms: Elementary Teachers Experiences with Virtual Classrooms and their Immediacy Strategies

Katie Thompson

Name: Katie Thompson
Majors: Communication Studies, Early Childhood Education with Licensure
Advisors: Zhenyu Tian, Megan Wereley

The COVID-19 pandemic created a shift from in-person to virtual schooling modes. The technology used to complete remote teaching and learning came with the need for digital literacy skills. The purpose of my research is to explain the challenges teachers and students faced when teaching and learning virtually. Additionally, I analyzed the change in student teacher relationships.

Posted in Comments Enabled, Independent Study, Symposium 2022 on April 26, 2022.

One response to “Learning in Virtual and In-Person Elementary Classrooms: Elementary Teachers Experiences with Virtual Classrooms and their Immediacy Strategies”

  1. Bambi Vargo says:

    Hi,Katie, Can you share a little bit about what you found when analyzing the change in student teacher relationships? Thank you and Congratulations on completing your IS.

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