
“Forever On My Mind:” Blues Songwriting in the 1960s

Shane Louis photo with Tootsie Roll

Name: Shane Louis
Major: History
Minor: Education
Advisor: Jordan Biro Walters

Critical Digital Engagement Award

My IS looks at Blues songwriting in the 1960s and argues that themes in lyrical expression shifted as a result of Blues musicians’ popularity and the tense political aspects of the decade. Lyrics deepened an exploration of personal emotional expression and stories relating to songwriters’ lived experiences. In existing scholarship, Blues musicians’ lives, performances, and contributions to the genre have been explored. I bring a different approach to the scholarship by looking at the genre from specifically a songwriting perspective. The main primary sources I used were songs that the musicians wrote along with liner notes, interviews, and television specials. Quite a few of the songs I analyze have not been interpreted before. Additionally, this project was inspired by my own personal experience and interest in Blues songwriting, listening, and performance. I chose a podcast format because of the sonic and storytelling aspects of my topic, and I felt that my own skills in public speaking and creativity fit the development of the project.

Listen to Shane’s Podcast Series   Shane’s Corresponding Playlist on Spotify

Posted in Comments Enabled, Independent Study, Symposium 2023 on April 14, 2023.

One response to ““Forever On My Mind:” Blues Songwriting in the 1960s”

  1. Anjolaoluwa Olubusi says:

    In your personal opinion, what lead “Death of the Blues” or at least it’s waining popularity?

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