
APEX Fellowship gives environmental studies major hands-on urban farming experience

Cady Eakins '25 in her APEX Fellowship at Akron Cooperative Farms

When Cady Eakins ’25 went on a field trip to Akron Cooperative Farms with a class, she never expected that she would also gain an opportunity to complete an APEX Fellowship with the organization. In her position at Akron Cooperative Farms, an urban farm that aims to bring communities together through agriculture, Eakins assisted with daily farming tasks, educational programs, and performed research and community outreach to help the farm reach its goals. The experiential learning opportunity allowed Eakins to connect what she learned as an environmental studies major and earth sciences minor to the real world, make new connections in her community, and gain new knowledge in agriculture and entomology.

“I am grateful for the opportunity that my APEX Fellowship experience has given me. I have been able to meet new people and broaden my knowledge in the field of agriculture. I have been able to grow as a person throughout my experience this summer and have become a better communicator.”

—Cady Eakins ’25

Q: How did you learn about the internship opportunity for your APEX Fellowship? 

Eakins: I learned about the position at Akron Cooperative Farms through a class field trip last fall. I enjoy working outside and have a passion for agriculture, so this position fits me perfectly. 

Q: What were some of the things you did each day? 

Eakins: I had a lot of freedom to do what I wanted for this internship. I learned more about vermicomposting and have enjoyed improving the composting system at Akron Cooperative Farms. I also helped with daily farming tasks such as pulling weeds and watering crops. 

Q: How has the internship helped you to see what’s next for you? 

Eakins: My internship experience helped me solidify my future career plans as I want to do research in entomology and how it is applied to agriculture. I have been able to collect and identify insects during my time as an intern, and the skills I have learned in collecting and identifying insects will help me in an entomology career. 

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to share about your APEX Fellowship experience? 

Eakins: I am grateful for the opportunity that my APEX Fellowship experience has given me. I have been able to meet new people and broaden my knowledge in the field of agriculture. I have been able to grow as a person throughout my experience this summer and have become a better communicator. 

Posted in Experiential Learning, News, Showcase Stories 2024 on August 10, 2024.

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