Mission Statement/Purpose
WWGME exists to support those students with gender identities that are traditionally underrepresented in the field of Economics. It is the unwavering purpose of WWGME to ensure and protect the best interests of all gender minority students at The College of Wooster.
WWGME strives to uplift the population of female, fem-identifying, and non-binary students within the field of Economics, by:
- Uplifting the voices of and promoting leadership roles for gender minority students
- Providing opportunities for educational and professional development and networking to support success in career planning and field placement
- Promoting a safe space and community for students to share experiences relating to their gender identity
- Highlighting issues of gender inequity within the field of Economics globally, nationally, and at The College of Wooster
- Advocating for equitable treatment of all students in the field of Economics, regardless of gender identity
- Establishing gender minority representation in order to offset a sense of “imposter syndrome” or other feelings of unbelonging
WWGME members do not have to have a declared or planned major or minor in the department of Economics, Business Economics or Global & International Studies, but only should express interest in promoting gender equity within the discipline of Economics. All students enrolled at The College of Wooster from any class year and discipline are eligible to join at any point during their Wooster career.
Click here to read a recent Wooster Voice article about WWGME!

WWGME executive members & founding seniors sitting and standing in front of the Kauke Arch. From left to right: Srushti Chaudhari ’22, Nasua Labi ’21, Mekdes Shiferaw ’23, Maggie Dougherty ’21, Mahi Lal ’22, Rishika Todi ’22, Rita Chiboub ’21, and Tessa Ireton ’21.
Social Media
Instagram: @woowgme
LinkedIn: Wooster Women & Gender Minorities in Economics (WWGME)