
What are the career paths for graduates of Classical Studies from The College of Wooster?

Classics majors at Wooster pursue a wide variety of careers. Some undertake graduate work in order to teach at either the secondary school or university level. Others have gone into publishing, museum studies, library science, law, banking, real estate, and the media. All students at Wooster perform independent study for at least two semesters and the research they undertake becomes a thesis delivered in spring of their senior year. Faculty mentors work individually with students on independent study and the research and writing skills students build during this process serves them well in a variety of careers and in graduate school.

Classical Studies at The College of Wooster

The Classics program at Wooster is fundamentally interdisciplinary, and students can approach the study of the ancient Mediterranean from a variety of perspectives: language and literature, history and myth, religion and philosophy, and archaeology and anthropology. Indeed, the department allows students to choose between two concentrations, either in Ancient Mediterranean Studies or in the study of Greek and Latin in the Classical Languages concentration.

Students are also strongly encouraged to study abroad, and The College participates in highly regarded programs in both Italy and Greece. The department also offers its own summer study-abroad program, during which Wooster students can immerse themselves in Greek culture from the ancient to the modern period by visiting the famous sites of the Greek islands, as well as Athens, Delphi, the Peloponnesus, and Turkey. Other students have participated in archaeological excavations and have studied conversational Latin and Greek in Rome.

Classics outside the classroom at Wooster

Faculty and students in Classical Studies form a close and vibrant community. Once a week, they meet for a Greek and Latin reading group. On occasion, faculty and students travel to museums, performances of ancient plays, and lectures. Advanced languages students are often invited to join the national honorary collegiate society for students of Latin and/or Greek, which has a thriving chapter at Wooster.

A highlight for many students is the chance to study abroad. College Year in Athens is an established program at Wooster that gives Classical Studies majors a life-changing immersion experience.

“CYA(College Year in Athens) was the perfect choice for me! I enjoyed meeting students who had the same passion for Classical Studies as myself and the same desire to experience a new culture. While in Athens, I had the chance to visit many of the archaeological sites and see the artifacts which I had learned about in Wooster classrooms. I left Athens with a deeper appreciation of classroom content from having seen it first-hand as well as a deeper understanding of myself – who I am as a I person and what interests me. I couldn’t imagine a better study abroad experience!” –Erin Robichaud, ‘21

Faculty & Staff

Cynthia D. Bernardy

Cynthia D. Bernardy

Academic Administrative Coordinator for Chinese Studies, Classical Studies, English, French & Francophone Studies, German Studies, Russian Studies, and Spanish


Monica Florence

Monica Florence

Associate Professor and Department Chair of Classical Studies, Comparative Literature


Edith Foster

Edith Foster

Adjunct Instructor of Classical Studies


Chan Park

Chan Sok Park

Associate Professor of Religious Studies; Classical Studies; Department Chair of Middle Eastern and North African Studies


Elizabeth Schiltz

Purna, Rao, Raju Chair of Philosophy, Department Chair of Philosophy; Professor of Philosophy; Chair of South Asian Studies; Classical Studies


Josephine Shaya

Marian Senter Nixon Chair in Classical Civilization; Chair of Classical Studies


Latest Classical Studies News

Isabelle Hoover '23

Classics collide in Medici art research with violent themes

Isabelle Hoover ’23 was eager to pursue a senior Independent Study project at The College of Wooster that would marry her majors in art […]

Dan Axmacher '12

Classical studies alumnus uses research skills as rare books librarian

Dan Axmacher ’12 spent his time at The College of Wooster as a classical studies major, where he researched the ancient Mediterranean and its […]

Vivian Holliday, emerita professor of classical studies

Wooster mourns passing of Vivian Holliday, first female dean of faculty and emerita professor of classical studies

Vivian Holliday, emerita professor of classical studies at The College of Wooster passed away on Dec. 24, 2022, in Wooster, Ohio. Holliday, who began […]

Katherine Shambaugh headshot

APEX Fellowship | Katherine Shambaugh

Major: Classical Studies – Classical Languages Class Year: 2024 Organization: Cornell University As an intern for Cornell University’s Classics Department in Ithaca, NY, I […]

More Classical Studies Articles


The Department of Classical Studies provides students with opportunities to explore the ancient Mediterranean world with a special focus on the period from the eighth century BCE through the fourth century CE. Through the comparative study of ancient languages and cultures, Classics students acquire additional cultural literacy, becoming better critical thinkers and more engaged global citizens. Our primary goal is for students to understand and examine critically the ancient beliefs, values, and traditions that have shaped modern cultures.

Students who major in Classical Studies choose from one of two concentrations: Ancient Mediterranean Studies and Classical Languages

The study of the Ancient Mediterranean is inherently interdisciplinary and intercultural. Students are encouraged to learn Ancient Greek, Latin, and Hebrew. They will study the ancient literature, archaeology, history, religion, philosophy, and art produced in the Near East and Mediterranean basin, including ancient Mesopotamia, Israel, Egypt, Greece, and Rome.

Students of Classical Languages study ancient Greek, Latin, and/or Hebrew, as well as the rich cultural traditions of Greece, Rome, Israel, ancient Mesopotamia, and Egypt. Through the comparative study of these ancient languages and literatures, students in Classical languages acquire additional cultural literacy as they examine critically the ancient beliefs, values, and traditions that have shaped later cultures.

The department accommodates and encourages a semester’s study abroad in the Mediterranean region.

Ancient Mediterranean Studies Concentration

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Classical Languages Concentration

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Ancient Mediterranean Studies and Classical Languages are offered as a minor. Students must complete six courses, including upper-level courses, from the range of options within the Department of Classical Studies.

Ancient Mediterranean Studies Concentration

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Classical Languages Concentration

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Independent Study

All majors complete a one-semester Independent Study seminar in junior year and a two-semester senior I.S. Working closely with a faculty advisor, each senior identifies a topic of interest, researches it intensively, and writes an extensive study which must later be defended in an oral examination before two members of the department.

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Classics majors at Wooster pursue a wide variety of careers. Some undertake graduate work in order to teach at either the secondary school or university level. Others have gone into publishing, museum studies, library science, law, banking, real estate, and the media.

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