
A Predictive Model for Coach Firings in NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball

Student: Eli M. Samuelson
Major: Mathematics
Advisors: Dr. Drew Pasteur, Dr. Marian Frazier
Within men’s major college basketball there is a high turnover rate of coaches for teams, either due to retirement, new job prospects, or a firing. Retirement is usually the result of old age, and leaving for a new job comes from the offer of more money or more prestige, but what causes a coach to get fired? This is a common sports question: why does a coach get fired? This question is so common it has become commonly known as the “hot seat” question. The “hot seat” question has been examined in many of the major league sports such as the MLB, and the NFL. We took the question and apply it to NCAA Division I men’s basketball.

Eli will be online to field comments on May 8:
10am-noon EDT (Asia: late evening, PST 6am-8am, Africa/Europe: late afternoon)

Posted in I.S. Symposium, Independent Study on April 30, 2020.