
Feelin’ Groovy: A Visual Rebranding of Radio Corporation of America Records

Elijah Miller

Name: Elijah Miller
Major: Communication Studies
Minor: Global Media and Digital Studies
Advisor: Ahmet Atay
Second Reader: Nii Nikoi

In this project, I explored the intricacies of advertising, brand identity, rebranding, layout, and design. The purpose of this independent study was to design an advertising campaign that revolves around revitalizing an existing brand with a topical rebrand. With the renaissance of vinyl, Radio Corporation of America needed a rebrand to align itself with contemporary design. This timely rebrand brought a renewed vision to the younger generations interested in vinyl records. To complete this goal, I first created rebranded material including primary and secondary logo designs supplemented by brand material from business cards to retail bag designs. Subsequently, I create a fully fleshed-out advertising campaign consisting of print and social media advertisements, in conjunction with T-shirt designs to own a part of the rebrand. This project delves into relevant definitions in the advertising and design fields for a better understanding of these industries. In addition, this project utilizes a creative method of advertising design, which allowed for my overarching goal of creating a deep and topical rebranding advertising campaign.

Elijah Miller IS Poster

Posted in Comments Enabled, Independent Study, Symposium 2022 on April 26, 2022.

4 responses to “Feelin’ Groovy: A Visual Rebranding of Radio Corporation of America Records”

  1. Dante King says:

    Hey Eli! Awesome job!! This is fascinating, so as soon as RCA adopts your designs, I’ll be first in line to buy some merch. 😀 Congratulations!!

  2. Karin Miller says:

    This is amazing, Eli! It is comprehensive with every attention to detail in your execution. Well done!!!

  3. Nat Seeley Jr. says:

    Eli these designs are indeed groovy! Great job!

  4. Eli Miller says:

    Thank you all for your kind words!! I really appreciate it!

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