
Positive, Negative, and Apocalyptic Climate Messages: The Effect on Attitudes and Possible Future Behaviors Toward Sharks

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Name: Truong Nguyen
Majors: Communication Studies and Environmental Studies
Advisors: Denise Bostdorff and Matt Mariola

The purpose of this study is to find out the best ways to communicate about environmental topics. Researchers have found out many different kinds of methods related to this problem such as positive, negative, or apocalyptic messages; however, no researcher has compared these methods to identify the most effective one. In this study, I will conduct quantitative methods research by sending out a survey to the students at The College of Wooster, The survey measured three main concept: impact of the environmental issues on sharks, the important of shark toward the environmental, and behaviors toward the sharks, More specifically, my study will pairs a verbal environmental message with three different visuals—one that is a positive image of a shark, one that is a negative image of a shark, and one that is an apocalyptic image of how sharks have been harmed. In this study, I will conduct an experiment to find out which type of image is most effective in informing people and in affecting their attitudes and possible future behaviors. The results shows that within three environmental sensitivity, there are no significant difference between three participants’ group. Future scholars should continue research on how these type of messages could influence people’s awareness and behaviors that have different background or different countries.

Posted in Comments Enabled, Independent Study, Symposium 2022 on April 28, 2022.

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