Authenticity & Virtue Theory

Name: David Dunn
Majors: Philosophy, Psychology
Advisors: John Rudisill, Ronald Hustwit
In this thesis, I examine a conception of authenticity as a virtue. Then, after formally criticizing that conception, I develop and present a new conception, being authenticity as the product of virtue. I also address practical issues with the cultivation of authenticity. Throughout the project, I discuss the nature of inauthenticity as well as caring. I present a survey of literature which acts as a brief survey of varying conceptions of authenticity. well. In the survey of literature, I examine two schools of thought through the lens of four significant philosophers. I critique the positions of each philosopher for the purposes of understanding what my account of authenticity ought to have, versus what it ought not have in terms of theoretical framework. I also discuss other issues such as the concept of the self and the notion of historical and societal advancement and its implications for authenticity.
Posted in Comments Enabled, Independent Study, Symposium 2023 on April 13, 2023.
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