
Internet Accessibility and Usage in Relation to Political Participation and Knowledge

Name: Nia Johnson
Major: Political Science
Advisor: Dr. Avi Muñoz
This Independent Study investigates the effect of internet access and usage on political participation and knowledge. My first hypothesis states that as internet access and internet use increase so will voters’ knowledge about national politics. Furthermore, my second hypothesis states that as internet access and internet use increase so will voters’ participation in national politics. After conducting a public survey through Mechanical Turk, I ran a multivariate regression analysis to test my hypothesis and my findings suggest that internet access and usage do impact political participation and knowledge.

Nia will be online to field comments on April 16:
2-4pm EDT (PST: 11am-1pm, Africa/Europe: evening)

Posted in I.S. Symposium 2021, Independent Study on April 11, 2021.