It’s Not Therapy: An Investigation of Speech-Language Pathologists’ Perceptions of Effective Accent Modification Services for Adult Speakers and College Students’ Perceptions of Accents Contingent Upon Their Exposure To Diverse Speakers

Name: Samantha Burke
Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Advisor: Joan E. Furey
The purpose of this study was two-fold. First, I investigated speech-language pathologists’ (SLPs) perceptions of accent modification services for adult speakers. Second, I examined college students’ perceptions of accents. In addition, I explored how participants’ perceptions may differ contingent upon exposure to and interaction with diverse speakers. I collected data through means of two electronic surveys. To collect data, I distributed two electronic surveys – one to practicing and former SLPs who provide or provided accent modification services, and another to students at the College of Wooster. I drew four major conclusions from the research. First, SLPs’ perceptions of accent modification services are generally favorable. Second, students have generally favorable perceptions of accents. The third finding indicated that both SLPs and students have a high level of alignment on perception questions regarding accents. The fourth conclusion suggests a relationship between students’ exposure and their perception of accents. An implication of the first research finding is the need for SLPs to continue training and seeking out culturally diverse experiences. SLPs feel confident that they can modify a client’s accent which is a result that we would like to maintain. Continued training, engaging in culturally and linguistically diverse experiences, and viewing ASHA’s practice portal is necessary to remain current in evidence-based practices and topics surrounding accent modification.
Posted in Comments Enabled, Independent Study, Symposium 2023 on April 14, 2023.
So proud of you Sammie!! Off to great things ❤️❤️
Sammie – Such an interesting and important project. I appreciate how you considered perspectives of SLP and also college students.
Wishing you well on your Symposium Day!
This is awesome! Congrats on all your hard work◡̈
Congratulations Sammie! I’m so so proud of you 🙂