Gretchen Tefs

Gretchen Tefs

Tefs is a visiting instructor of education.

Head shot of Ryan Ozar

Ryan Ozar

Ozar’s teaching focuses on the education of adolescents and young adults, including their curriculum and assessment, and STEM learning environments.

Sarah Dunlap

Sarah Dunlap

Matthew Broda

Matthew W. Broda

With a background in adolescent and young adult education, Broda’s research and teaching focuses on instructional technology, curriculum design, and teacher leadership.

Katie Holt History Professor

Katherine Holt

An expert on Brazilian history, Holt also educates students on Latin American, gender, and digital history, as well as studying slavery in different countries.

Jennifer Hayward portrait

Jennifer Hayward

Hayward’s scholarship includes 19th century British literature and cultural studies, postcolonial literature, and transnational identities. She is also the creator of project that digitalizes English-language newspapers published in Chile.

Jillian Morrison

Jillian Morrison

Morrison is an assistant professor of statistical and data sciences.

Lindsey Millan

Lindsey Millan

Marian Frazier

Marian Frazier

A researcher of improving efficient sequential designs for computer experiments, Frazier is also interested in statistics education research, teaching courses in probability and basic statistics.

Sofia Visa

Sofia Visa

With countless publications on machine learning algorithms applied to real world data, Visa has received several National Science Foundation grants for her research. Visa works with students in all areas of computer science, including machine intelligence, bioinformatics, and computer networking.

Drew Guarnera

Guarnera is an assistant professor in the computer science department.

Thomas Prendergast

Thomas Prendergast

A specialist in Old and Middle English literature as well as theories of medievalism, Prendergast works with students on a variety of English topics, including political theater and the occult.

Michelle Johnson

Michelle L. Johnson

Interested in interpersonal communication and relationships, Johnson studies social support in the parent-child relationship, especially during transition and adjustment to college, and conflict management in friend and family relationships.

Elizabeth Schiltz

Schiltz specializes in the history of philosophy with a focus on East and West comparative philosophy and ethics. She works with students in the study of Plato and Aristotle as well as Indian philosophy.

Chan Park

Chan Sok Park

With an interest in global Christianity and the history of Biblical interpretations, Park has taught students on an array of topics, including the Bible in pop culture, the New Testament, and the history of Christmas.

Joan Friedman

Joan S. Friedman

With an interdisciplinary focus on history and religious studies, Friedman’s research and teaching includes American Judaism, Jewish law, and American Jewish pop culture.

Edith Foster

Edith Foster

Foster is an adjunct instructor of classical studies.

Monica Florence

Monica Florence

Florence is a published author of articles on transgender, sexuality, and ethnic identity in ancient Greek and Latin literature. She is an expert in Greek and Roman cultural history and teaches courses in the history of ancient science and medicine.

Head shot of Rujie Wang

Rujie Wang

Wang helps students develop their knowledge of Chinese, from beginning levels to advanced, and teaches courses in Chinese cinema and literature.

Mark Graham

Mark Graham

An interdisciplinary professor in Chinese, South and East Asian, religion, and film programs, Graham teaches a wide array of courses ranging from religion in film and literature to Buddhism and Chinese religions.