An Investigation into the Possible Impact of Early-Life Stress on Music as a Stress-Reduction Tool

Student: Sarah Vandenbergen Major: Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience Minor: Music Advisor: Dr. John Neuhoff, Dr. Grit Herzmann Music is common stress-reduction tool, though the literature to support […]

The Effect of an Antioxidant Supplement on a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease

Student: Jennifer Grossmann Major: Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience Advisors: Dr. Amy Jo Stavnezer, Dr. Susan Clayton Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes […]

Timothy Perales

The Audio-Visual Processing of Horror

Student: Timothy Perales Major: Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience Advisors: John Neuhoff, Evan Wilhelms The effects of fearful visual stimuli type and linearity or nonlinearity of […]

The effects of melatonin in the glymphatic system in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model

Student: Eleni Miliotou Major: Neuroscience Advisors: Dr. Amy Jo Stavnezer, Dr. Ashley Abraham Melatonin is an endogenous antioxidant and free radical scavenger that regulates […]

Bao Chau Nguyen

A Boolean Model of Microglial Phenotype Transitions Under Acute and Chronic Inflammation

Student: Bao Chau Nguyen Major: Neuroscience Minor: Environmental Studies Advisor: Dr. Erzsébet Ravasz Regan Infection or damage to neurons can trigger the activation of […]

Rebecca Warren

Spacing in the 5CSRTT Proves Beneficial in Early Levels

Student: Rebecca Warren Major: Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience Advisors: Amy Jo Stavnezer, John Neuhoff ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattentiveness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. […]

Amy Jo Stavnezer

Neuroscience Professor Recognized by National Association with 2019 Mentor Award

Wooster’s Amy Jo Stavnezer receives honor from Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience

Ksenia Klue ’18 builds research team

As a first-year Doctor of Physical Therapy candidate at Cleveland State University, Ksenia Klue ’18 is already reaching out to her professors, asking them […]

NYC Comedian & Writer Mamoudou N’Diaye ’14

A neuroscience major, a comedian, and an activist walk into a bar. What’s the punchline? They’re all one guy.

Matea Paveskovic '18

Matea Paveskovic ’18 finds path to top Ph.D. program

Wooster research experience and mentoring open path to top Ph.D. program

Scott Perkins ’20 collaborated with Dr. Paul Nielsen ’95 (pictured) and Dr. Amy Jolliff, co-medical directors of the Wooster Community Care Network, and Alex Davis, director, to evaluate the outcomes of the Health Coach program.

Student health coaches act as medical reporters for community network

When Scott Perkins ’20 enters the home, he may be checking for sugary and fatty foods in the fridge or full pill bottles on […]

scott perkins

Wooster Sophomore Honored for Research Presentation at National Conference

Eight students present findings at Experimental Biology Conference in San Diego

prof. bos and prof. lynn

Different Disciplines but the Same Challenges

Two professors on how to make academic conferences more family-friendly

seth kelly

NIH Awards Wooster Professor a Three-Year Grant to Continue Research on Nervous System Development

Seth Kelly will use significant funding to continue comparing similarities of fruit fly and human brain development


Groundbreaking Research Places Wooster Grad in Neuroscience Spotlight

Steven Frankland publishes study about how the brain distinguishes between different sentence structures