A message from The College of Wooster Board of Trustees

The following message was sent April 12, 2021, to The College of Wooster community from the Board of Trustees: Dear Members of the College […]

Dragon Nest: Immersive Experience Design

Name: Mika Yonaha Self-designed Major: Digital Design of Entertainment Environments Advisors: Dr. Bridget Murphy Milligan, Dr. Nathan Sommer I have designed an interior space […]

Black Outside: A Film Exploring Black People’s Relationships With Outdoor Spaces

Name: Zoie Bills Majors: Communication Studies, Psychology Advisors: Dr. Denise Bostdorff, Dr. Melissa Weller Most Socially & Emotionally Connected Award Spending time in nature […]

Marcel Elkouri '21 uses a microscope in the lab, a component of his Independent Study research

Neuroscience senior awarded fellowship to pursue graduate studies

Marcel Elkouri ’21 values opportunities for mentorship at Wooster

Dante King

Two Sides of the Same Coin: Vergil and Ovid’s Clashing Portrayals of Individual and Group Identity

Name: Dante King Major: Classical Languages Advisors: Dr. Josephine Shaya, Dr. Monica Florence (second reader) This independent study examines Vergil’s Aeneid and Ovid’s Heroides and […]

Free-Fall Spinning-Planet Tunnel Transportation Network

Name: Yuchen Gan Major: Physics Advisors: Dr. John Lindner, Dr. Niklas Manz Transportation is a very general and important thing. We have airplanes and […]

Sienna Carr portrait

Investigation of the Metabolic Role of Triose Phosphate Isomerase (TPI) in the Physiological Function of Myxococcus xanthus

Name: Sienna Carr Major: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Minor: Environmental Studies Advisors: Dr. Dean Fraga, Dr. Erszébet Regan (second reader) Myxococcus xanthusis a well […]

Hayden Lane-Davies

Catastrophic Imaginings: Human-Driven Catastrophe, the Anthropocene, The Skin of Our Teeth, and Lungs

Name: Hayden Lane-Davies Major: Theatre and Dance, Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Advisors: Dr. Jimmy Noriega, Dr. Natasha Bissonauth (Second Reader) This Independent Study […]

Andreas Xenofontos

Match-Fixing in Cyprus: Examining the Impact on Fans’ Soccer Attendance

Name: Andreas Xenofontos Major: Economics Minor: Theatre and Dance Advisor: Dr. Brooke Krause Soccer is by far the most famous sport in Cyprus. Fans […]

Internet Accessibility and Usage in Relation to Political Participation and Knowledge

Name: Nia Johnson Major: Political Science Advisor: Dr. Avi Muñoz This Independent Study investigates the effect of internet access and usage on political participation […]

James Shanahan

The Apprentice and One Binary to Rule Them All: Gender in Science Fiction and Fantasy

Name: James Shanahan Major: English Minor: Film Advisor: Dr. Bryan Alkemeyer For my Independent Study I wrote the first draft of a novel I […]

Maxwell Engel

Keep it Simple Stupid: An Examination of American Conservative Populism in the Complex Neoliberal World Order

Name: Maxwell Engel Major: Political Science (International Relations) Minor: History Advisor: Dr. Jeff Lantis This study is an examination of conservative populism in the […]

Ashley Boersma

Working Memory Differences in Bilinguals’ First and Second Languages

Name: Ashley Boersma Major: Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience Minor: Spanish Advisors: Dr. Ashley Abraham and Dr. Evan Wilhelms I became interested in bilingualism after attending […]

Virginia Roberts

Resource-driven control of cavity-nesting wasp densities

Name: Virginia E. Roberts Major: Biology Minor: Environmental Studies Advisors: Dr. Carlo Moreno, Dr. Jennifer Ison (second reader) Cavity nesting wasps are contributors to […]

Kath Scott

Eat Your Heart Out: Cannibalism, Incorporation, and Transgression in Contemporary and Traditional Fairy Tales

Name: Kath Scott Major: English Advisor: Susanna Sacks When cannibalism is presented in media, it is often mistaken for gratuitous violence, but cannibalism was […]

Lilly Woerner

Seeing Red: Investigation of the color’s use in early baroque art and stability based upon pigment preparation

Name: Lilly Woerner Majors: Chemistry and Art History Advisors: Dr. Sarah Sobeck and Dr. Tracy Cosgriff When the cochineal insect was first introduced to […]

“Thanks for the Memories, Even Though They Weren’t So Great”: The Relationship Between Chronic Stress and Working Memory in College Students

Name: Carina Arnosti Major: Psychology Minor: Anthropology Advisor: Dr. Nathan Foster Second Reader: Dr. Grit Herzmann This study examined the association between chronic stress […]

Beau Greenwood

Brand Identity and Brand Alignment in Corporate Political Advertising: A rhetorical analysis of Penzey’s Spices Facebook Ads Opposing Donald Trump

Name: Beau Greenwood Major: Communication Studies Minor: History Advisors: Denise Bostdorff, Ph.D., and Michelle Johnson, Ph.D. The purpose of this study is to determine […]

The Art of Reconciliation: The Influence of the Black Community on the Detroit Institute of Arts

Name: Jillian Madeleine Kouayara Major: Art History Advisor: Dr. Kara Morrow and Dr. John Siewart (second reader) Museums were created with a Eurocentric narrative […]

Nicole Powell

The Application of Machine Learning in Analyzing Organic Compounds from NMR Spectral Data

Name: Nicole Powell Major: Computer Science Minor: Math and Chemistry Advisors: Dr. Sofia Visa and Dr. Heather Guarnera Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is used […]