Ziying You

Ziying You

A native of China, You is a widely published author on topics ranging from Chinese mythology and safeguarding cultural heritage to food and folklore.

Suwatana (Pla) Rockland

Suwatana Rockland


Susan Lehman

Susan Y. Lehman

A researcher of experimental condensed matter physics, Lehman enjoys teaching advanced lab courses and works with physics students to create demonstrations for local elementary school students.

Susan Clayton

Susan Clayton

Known for her work with the American Psychological Association on the psychological impacts of climate change, Clayton studies social justice and sustainability through a psychological lens.

Shelley Judge

Shelley Judge

With a research focus on tectonics and sedimentology, Judge takes Wooster students into the field in central Utah to work on a variety of structural and sedimentologic problems.

Richard Lehtinen

Richard Lehtinen

Interested in topics in ecology, evolution, and conservation biology, Lehtinen has made headlines for studying Wooster’s trademark Black Squirrel, and, naming a frog species, the Guibemantis woosteri, after Wooster.

Pamela B. Pierce

Pamela B. Pierce

With published work in math and research pedagogy, Pierce works with students in the intersection of calculus with algebra, social science, and analytical geometry.

Pam Frese

Pam Frese

Widely known for her expertise on Anglo-American life cycle rituals and American religious holidays and traditions, Frese has taught students on topics such as religion and symbolic anthropology, contemporary American society, food and cultures, and gender studies.

Nii Nikoi

Nii Nikoi

Drawing on his background in graphic design and photography, Nikoi studies African pop culture and meaningful practices related to questions of power and hierarchy.

Moses Luri

Moses Luri

Luri is a researcher of environmental and natural resource economics with published work in the area focusing on the middle-United States, and he works with students to develop data analysis skills.

Melanie Long head shot

Melanie Long

An economist with a research interest in household finance and gender and feminist economics, Long explores causes of systemic inequality in household debt and access to low-cost consumer credit.

Setsuko Matsuzawa

Setsuko Matsuzawa

With a primary research area in environmental activism in East Asia, Matsuzawa also works with students on topics such as social movements, developmental law, and transnational/global sociology.

Mark Wilson

Mark Wilson

A Wooster alumnus, Wilson is an invertebrate paleontologist and sedimentary geologist with dozens of publications and honors for his work. He is also known for his course, History of Life.

Marina Mangubi

Marina Mangubi

A painter, printmaker, and installation artist, Mangubi’s extensive work has been exhibited around the world and is in permanent collections in Maine, Oregon, California, and Malaysia. Her thematic projects probe hidden meanings in familiar historical and philosophical constructs.

Mareike Herrmann

Mareike Herrmann

A native of Northern Germany, Herrmann’s primary areas of interest are 19th and 20th century German literature, film, cultural studies, and women’s studies.

Lee A. McBride III

Lee A. McBride III

A specialist in American philosophy, political philosophy, and ethics, McBride works with students to better understand decolonial philosophy, the ethics of food, and environmental philosophy.

Laura Sirot

Using techniques from animal behavior, ecology, evolutionary biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, and bioinformatics, Sirot’s current area of research seeks to understand seminal fluid proteins, which are proteins synthesized by males that have functions within mated females in a wide range of species, including humans.

Jeremy Rapport

Jeremy Rapport

Rapport’s scholarship focuses on American religious history, including religious movements in America and metaphysical religions. He also teaches on the intersection of religion with race, gender, and class.

Jeff Lantis

Jeffrey S. Lantis

The author of several books focused on foreign policy analysis and international security, Lantis is a recipient of the Distinguished Teacher-Scholar Award from the International Studies Association for his active teaching innovations.

Huiting Tian

Huiting Tian

Tian’s research is focused on applied econometrics and applied microeconomics in relation to industry organization, the environment, and financial institutions. She works with students in areas such as corporate finance, portfolio theory, and capital markets.