
The College of Wooster is a thriving residential community. Students live on campus all four years of their Wooster experience. A variety of housing options are available to students, including traditional residence halls, themed-based housing, as well as more independent living opportunities in our campus program houses.

The College does not have housing that accommodates dependents or spouses/partners of students who are not also enrolled at Wooster.

Housing Options

Residence Halls:

Wooster is home to 14 residence halls, five dedicated to First-Year Residential Communities—Andrews, Bornhuetter, Compton, Douglass, and Wagner Halls. Room styles include singles, doubles, triples, and suite-style.

Housing Selection and Rates    Additional Housing Information

Residential Halls


On-campus apartments are available for senior-level students. The 10 apartments are managed and operated by the College and offer a more independent lifestyle.

Charter houses:

Two Charter program houses are available on campus—Men of Harambee and Women of Images. Women of Images serves as a support program for the incoming and current women of color, and further cultural awareness on the college campus and in the surrounding Wooster community. Men of Harambee is a fraternal organization at Wooster geared toward males of African American descent as well as those from developing nations. The organization helps to promote brotherhood and create lifelong bonds between its members.

Luce Language Suites:

Luce Language Suites are experiential learning communities devoted to the active practice and promotion of Chinese, French, German, Spanish, and Russian language and culture. The Luce Language Suites are coordinated and supervised by the College’s language departments.

Service and Program Houses:

The College owns and operates 20-30 houses on campus that are home to our Service and Program House groups. Service houses provide weekly volunteer hours to local community partners as well as spend time reflecting back on the service they are providing. Program Houses also provide service to the campus community through programming, education, and raising awareness. Houses range from 4-12 students in size.

New Student Housing Information and Frequently Asked Questions

As a residential campus, our mission in the Residence Life Office is to build community and provide learning outside of the classroom. We are very intentional when placing students and building communities in our first year centers. As a new student, you will be asked to complete the new student housing application. This application will collect information about how you like to keep your living space, when you like to go to bed/wake up, how you want the room to be used, expectations for visitors in the room, as well as music interests and how you like to spend your time outside of the classroom. We will use this information to pair students with a roommate who has similar living preferences and interests as themselves.

We will also take this information to build communities in our first year centers. We will try our best to put other students on the hall who have similar interests. Additionally, there will be students in the same community that have different passions for you to learn about. There will also be one or more resident assistants (RAs) living in the community to provide programming, community building, and help in the transition to Wooster.

Can I request a roommate, building, or type of room?

Since our priority is to build communities, we do not accept roommate or building requests as a first year student. If students have a friend that they would like to live near, they can put that information in their housing application, and we will try to place them on the same hall or in the same building with that student.

Timeline for new student housing fall semester

Once students turn in their enrollment deposit, they will receive information from the College about a checklist of items to complete and their Wooster login in information. Here is a simple breakdown of what is needed by June 1st for housing :

Students will login to Housing Self-Service using the Wooster login that was sent to them. Housing Self Service is a portal that students will use to select housing, coordinate break housing, fill out Room Condition Reports, and find roommates during their time at Wooster. You can click on New Student Housing Application. This will be the application that you complete to let us know about your living preferences and interests.

Housing placement and roommate information will be sent out to all students via their College of Wooster email address in early July.

Residence Life Staff

Head shot of Christine Dunson

Christine Dunson

Assistant Director of Residence Life


John Reynolds

John Reynolds

Director of Residence Life


Abby Righter head shot

Abby Righter

Assistant Director of Housing Operations


Gender Inclusive Housing Policy

Residence halls, including the bathrooms, should be spaces where everyone feels comfortable and safe. Because of the diversity of its student body, The Office of Residence Life has implemented a housing policy that is flexible enough to meet the needs of all students, be that a single-gender room or a gender inclusive room.


Gender Inclusive housing will be available in all upper-class halls and houses. Gender Inclusive housing means that anyone can live in a room with anyone else, regardless of their gender identity. This will be implemented in a way that is consistent with student preferences and comfort level. Gendered floors and bathrooms will be available in all buildings where there is a single restroom on a floor. Students will know when they choose a room, the designation of the bathroom on the floor.


Residence Life matches roommates based on gender identity and not sex assigned at birth. We will use Identified Gender reported by the student on their housing application or in information provided by the Dean of Students Office when placing students. This information will be kept confidential, used to assign your roommate, and will be up to the student to disclose.


Bathrooms will be designated prior to Housing Selection so that students can choose rooms based on the bathroom they would like to use. Concerns about bathroom designation after Housing Selection should be brought to the Residence Life and will be re-evaluated.

Incoming students

In the case of housing for incoming students, they will be asked if they have a preference about the gender identity of their roommate. Students will also be asked if they have a preference of living on a single-gender or all-gender floor. These preferences will be honored to the best of our ability. In some cases, you will be contacted for more information, usually through e-mail or a phone call.