Margaret Ng

Margaret Ng Wee-Siang

Ng is an interdisciplinary professor, teaching courses in several academic departments, with a research focus on China’s premodern and modern history, including Chinese family, medicine, and gender.

Tom Tierney

Thomas Tierney

Teaching courses in both classical and contemporary social theory, Tierney’s research focuses on the social implications of advanced medical technologies and bioethical dilemmas.

Zareen Thomas

Zareen Thomas

Having conducted fieldwork in Columbia, Bolivia, and Denmark, Thomas is a sociocultural anthropologist whose research examines the cultural politics of youth.

Anne Nurse

Anne Nurse

With a research interest in juvenile prisons, prison reform, and child abuse, Nurse has taught a course that enrolls students from the College and the local juvenile correction facility.

Olivia C. Navarro-Farr portrait

Olivia Navarro-Farr

Known for her role as co-director of the Guatemalan-U.S. El Perú- Waka’ Archaeological Project, Navarro-Farr’s research examines the role of ancient female rulers, particularly those who represent non-Western cultural traditions and are often unexplored.

Michael Miyawaki

Michael Miyawaki

A member of the Critical Mixed Race Studies Association, Miyawaki conducts research in the areas of race and ethnicity, pertaining to identity formation and inequality of Latinos and the multiracial population in the United States.

David McConnell

David McConnell

McConnell is a leading expert on Amish society and education, conducting fieldwork in nearby Ohio Amish communities. He also has research interests in Japan and western Kenya and works with students who wish to study abroad in East Africa.

Heather Fitz Gibbon

Heather Fitz Gibbon

Fitz Gibbon is a community-based researcher with published work focusing on the definitions of motherhood in the welfare system and childcare and teaches courses in both classical and contemporary social theory.

Leslie Wingard

Leslie Wingard

With a focus on African American literature, Black visual culture, and religion in literature, Wingard has been a research fellow at several U.S. colleges and taught courses on Toni Morrison and James Baldwin.

Ibra Sene associate professor of history at college of wooster

Ibra Sene

Sene is an expert on African history, European colonialism, and Islam with several publications. He has several professional memberships, including the Association of Africa Historians and West African Research Association, and is the co-founder of The Dakar Institute of African Studies which helps students study abroad in Senegal.

Ziying You

Ziying You

A native of China, You is a widely published author on topics ranging from Chinese mythology and safeguarding cultural heritage to food and folklore.

Suwatana Rockland

Suwatana Rockland


Susan Lehman

Susan Y. Lehman

A researcher of experimental condensed matter physics, Lehman enjoys teaching advanced lab courses and works with physics students to create demonstrations for local elementary school students.

Susan Clayton

Susan Clayton

Known for her work with the American Psychological Association on the psychological impacts of climate change, Clayton studies social justice and sustainability through a psychological lens.

Shelley Judge

Shelley Judge

With a research focus on tectonics and sedimentology, Judge takes Wooster students into the field in central Utah to work on a variety of structural and sedimentologic problems.

Richard Lehtinen

Richard Lehtinen

Interested in topics in ecology, evolution, and conservation biology, Lehtinen has made headlines for studying Wooster’s trademark Black Squirrel, and, naming a frog species, the Guibemantis woosteri, after Wooster.

Pamela B. Pierce

Pamela B. Pierce

With published work in math and research pedagogy, Pierce works with students in the intersection of calculus with algebra, social science, and analytical geometry.

Pam Frese

Pam Frese

Widely known for her expertise on Anglo-American life cycle rituals and American religious holidays and traditions, Frese has taught students on topics such as religion and symbolic anthropology, contemporary American society, food and cultures, and gender studies.

Nii Nikoi

Nii Nikoi

Drawing on his background in graphic design and photography, Nikoi studies African pop culture and meaningful practices related to questions of power and hierarchy.

Moses Luri

Moses Luri

Luri is a researcher of environmental and natural resource economics with published work in the area focusing on the middle-United States, and he works with students to develop data analysis skills.