
We understand the important role you play in a student’s college search, and we hope to provide you with the resources you need to help them navigate the process. Stay updated on Wooster news and counselor events and help us learn more about you here.

New York Times columnist Ron Lieber praises Wooster for its exceptional combination of quality faculty, affordability, and undergraduate research in his book, The Price You Pay for College. Lieber devotes an entire chapter to answering How the College of Wooster Puts It All Together, highlighting Wooster’s up-front attitude in helping prospective students understand the financial package they will receive and the satisfaction students get from faculty mentorship.

Explore Wooster

Please encourage your students and families to explore Wooster through our various in-person and virtual opportunities.

If you would like to plan an individual visit to campus, please contact Coordinator of Counselor Relations April Gamble. We would be happy to provide a one-night hotel stay in Wooster to support your travel planning.

Learn More About Wooster

International Baccalaureate and Wooster

Wooster welcomes students who are involved with the IB curriculum, recognizing the rigor and richness of their high school experience. Learn more about the edge the IB diploma provides students who apply to Wooster.

Questions & Concerns

Please contact April Gamble, Coordinator of Counselor Relations, at 330-263-2201.


Why Financial Transparency Matters: View a Recent Presentation by Admissions Leaders at The College of Wooster and Whitman College