Sohil Parekh

Sohil Parekh ’99 develops a method to solve problems

Like many Wooster students today, Sohil Parekh ’99 approached Independent Study with two majors and found a way to connect them in one project […]

Hayet Rida and friends

Hayet Rida ’11 fights for success

“People are scared of failure, but to me failure is my best friend. It’s one of the things I enjoy most because it allows […]

Sayantan “Sunny” Mitra

Sayantan “Sunny” Mitra ’16 seeks unlimited opportunities

“There is no limit to the opportunities you have.”

Rachel Stephenson ’96 relies on “liberal arts mindset” to guide her decisions

For Rachel Stephenson ’96, there have been multiple times in her life where she’s realized she needed to look at the whole picture, to […]

Ksenia Klue ’18 builds research team

As a first-year Doctor of Physical Therapy candidate at Cleveland State University, Ksenia Klue ’18 is already reaching out to her professors, asking them […]

Divya Thadani ’99 thrives on the challenges of corporate strategy development

Divya Thadani says she gets goosebumps when asked to sum up the impact her Wooster education has had on her. She cites the critical […]

NYC Comedian & Writer Mamoudou N’Diaye ’14

A neuroscience major, a comedian, and an activist walk into a bar. What’s the punchline? They’re all one guy.

Andy Nicol ’07 learned to crack codes at the NSA

In the final year of his doctoral program in mathematics at The Ohio State University, Andy Nicol began sending out applications for teaching positions […]

Matea Paveskovic '18

Matea Paveskovic ’18 finds path to top Ph.D. program

Wooster research experience and mentoring open path to top Ph.D. program

Amy Johnson '01

Amy Johnson ’01 Designs beautiful solutions to three-dimensional problems

As a child, Amy Johnson was good at putting together 3-D puzzles and by the time she was in high school knew that she […]

Sarah Fenske

Sarah Fenske ’99

Breaking news and digging deep: “I’ve got the best of both worlds”

James May

James May ’16

From Green Day fan to an orchestral composer and a prestigious Mitchell Scholarship

Deval Mehta

Deval Mehta ’05 combines technical expertise with people skills to succeed

Deval Mehta is pretty sure why he landed a Presidential Management Fellowship and subsequent placement as an information technology manager with the U.S. Department […]

Andrew Bishop

Andrew Bishop ’05

A grad with a passion for conservation biology

Sarah Coffin '10

Sarah Coffin ’10

From Wooster to Fenway: A Public Historian’s Journey

Rob Johnson

Rob Johnson ’94

Major: Religious Studies Job Title: Teacher, The Breck School When Rob Johnson graduated from the Breck School in Minneapolis and headed off to college, […]

Danielle Shepherd

It takes a lot of math (and physics) to win an IndyCar championship

Danielle Shepherd was just seven years old when she attended her first IndyCar race with her family.

Duncan Jones

Duncan Jones ’95

A talent for creating imaginary worlds, and asking big questions

archaeology trio

Major Discovery of Royal Tomb Has Strong Wooster Ties

“Burial 80” found at site where professor Olivia Navarro-Farr leads a U.S.-Guatemalan archaeological project


Groundbreaking Research Places Wooster Grad in Neuroscience Spotlight

Steven Frankland publishes study about how the brain distinguishes between different sentence structures